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Ragnar had taken back Kattegat with the help given to him by his ex wife, sending for his wife and all the others who stayed at the farm during the siege when it was over and safe. Now Kara walked with her brother as they walked through Kattegat, the taller boy having his hands on her shoulders as he guided her threw the roads as she looked around at the new location, guiding her to stand next to their mother in the sea of people waiting for the sacrifice. Lagertha grabbed her daughter's hand as they watched everyone gather around Rollo, who stood in the middle of the crowd with an axe in his hand.

"On this day we offer a sacrifice to Odin, the Mighty One, to thank him for our victory against Jarl Borg." The people cheered and Kara looked over everyone, her eyes landing on Floki as he lurked behind everyone. Her eyes met his and he smiled, wagging his fingers at the girl before his attention was drawn back to Rollo as the man who would be sacrificed was brought out. "Release him from his bonds. I know he will want to die well." Rollo instructed, waiting until the man was free from the rope before he was placed on his knees. Kara leaned into her mother's hold as Rollo rose the axe, lifting it in the air as he stared down at the man. "In the presence of the Gods and in their honor, I offer this sacrifice." Rollo went to bring down the axe, Kara's heart racing when a voice called out, making him freeze.

"Stop!" Ragnar jumped off the porch and everyone looked at him as he came forward, taking the axe before he looked in Bjorn's direction. Bjorn walked to his father, taking the axe as Lagertha's hold on her daughter tightened.

"Father." He nodded, turning to the man. "In the presence of the Gods and in their honor, I offer this sacrifice." Bjorn repeated the words he heard from his uncle, lifting the axe before he brought it down and beheaded the man. Kara shivered as the blood rushed from the body, stepping forwards as she felt a sense of relief flooding her body when Floki flew forwards, painting his face with blood. Floki looked at the girl before he dipped his hand into the blood, walking towards Kara before he smiled, placing his hand on her face before he dragged the blood down to her collarbone.

"Welcome to Kattegat, daughter of Lagertha." He giggled, looking over the face of the girl before him. "Welcome to Kattegat, sweet Kara." Kara smile as she looked at her mother, the woman watching the interaction between her daughter and the boat builder.

Siggy braided Kara's hair as she watched her mother, Lagertha's face lit by the fire as she sat across from her daughter on the other side of the pit. Kara sat still as Siggy had her way with her hair, pulling the blonde locks out of the girl's face before tying it off. Kara walked to her mother and smiling, sitting next to the woman when Rollo stepping inside the hut.

"Wow, look at you." Lagertha smiled, running a hand down Kara's now braided hair. "You look so beautiful, little one." Rollo walked towards the pair, holding out a pouch as he smiled down at Kara.

"Here you are."

"What is it?" Kara asked, taking the pouch as everyone watched her. Lagertha shrugged and Kara frowned slightly, opening the small bag before turning it over. A pendant with the symbol of Vegvisir fell into her palm and she smiled, running her thumb over the markings as she looked over it in awe.

"Bjorn asked Floki to make it for you, it is a 'welcome to Kattegat' gift." Rollo said to the girl, watching Lagertha place it over her daughters head.

"Floki is very talented at carving." Kara mused, lifting the pendent again. A knock came to the door and Siggy opened it, all eyes rising to look at Ragnar as he stepped inside.

"I came here to-"

"We know why you're here." Rollo said as he stood, turning towards Kara with her cloak extended to her. Kara stood and placed on the cloak, following Rollo and Siggy out of the hut.

"I'm going to find Bjorn." Kara stated, turning towards the Great Hall before she ran forwards. Many people welcomed and called to Kara, moving out of her way as she moved towards the hearth. Princess Aslaug was sitting in a chair beside the fire, looking at the girl as she entered the hall before she waved at her. "Princess Aslaug." Kara greeted, bowing her head.

"Hello, Kara." The woman watched as Kara's eyes wandered around the room. "Are you looking for your brother?" She asked, placing her hands on Kara's shoulders when she nodded. She turned the girl and pointed towards a corner and Bjorn, Ubbe, and Hvitserk came into view of the girl.

"Thank you." Kara smiled, turning back towards the corner before she ran over to her brother. They looked at her as she ran over, Bjorn smiling as he saw the pendant around her neck. "Thank you for the gift, Bjorn." She wrapped her arms around his neck, hugging him tight before he patted her head, turning her towards the boys.

"Brothers, this is my sister Kara. Kara, this is Ubbe and Hvitserk." He pointed to the boys, gesturing for Kara to sit with them.

"Hello, it is nice to meet you." Ubbe stated, holding out a hand. Hvitserk nodded and shook Kara's hand, both of the boys sitting before Kara and Bjorn got to know the younger sons of Ragnar.

His Shieldmaiden *Vikings/Hvitserk Ragnarsson/Halfdan The Black*Where stories live. Discover now