Chapter 7: The Instigator

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The Observatory: Domain of the Crypters

"It's almost time to meet the council. Just where is that creep?"

"Calm yourself Koyan'. He'll be here. He just likes to aggravate us for amusement."

"Just why did the Enlightened release THIS one? Out of ALL the masters they could have picked..."

"Wodime and Ophelia think his skills are too good to ignore. The rest don't seem to share that idea."

"I hope the council give him a good going-over when he finally arrives, Rasputin. He can't just do whatever he wants and expect the Enlightened Ones to stand by."

Two individuals were walking down a dark hallway. Their features were hidden in shadow as they both came up to an elaborately carved wooden double door. It slowly flew open, allowing light to flood through. They continued walk through, unfazed by the blinding light as it soon faded and revealed a grandiose, black-tiled chamber with a domed ceiling. The room was octagonal in shape with a symbol in the center floor and tiered on the outer sections, upon each side sat a cloaked figure standing up from elaborately decorated thrones. They looked down at the newcomers as they made their way to the center, visible to all seven of the figures.

The first person was a tall, middle-aged man with brown hair, wearing a black priest's cloak with blue accents and a crucifix. He stood up straight in the center circle with his hands locked together in front of him. The other individual was a woman with pink hair and glasses, wearing a black silk dress. She also had a fluffy tail and ears similar to a fox. The woman stood behind the left side of the priest with a hand on her hip. They were both facing one of the figures before them. Was of an imposing build and had long blond hair. The priest bowed his head to the supposed leader of this council.

"Enlightened Ones, it is time to begin."

"We are not at full party, Rasputin," the leader said to the priest before turning to his companion. "Koyanskaya, Where is Zenith?"

"I gave him explicit orders to be here at this time, Wodime," the fox-woman said with professionalism. "He should have arrived minutes ago."

"Then it appears that you were not explicit enough, apostle," Wodime stated firmly, after which another figure spoke up. She was a young woman with long brown hair, and a partial mask completely covering her right eye.

"He is one of the Guided, Koyanskaya. His presence is mandatory."

Anxiously, the fox-woman named Koyanskaya tried assuring her peers:

"With all due respect, Enlightened Ones, we cannot be responsible for his roguish actions."

"I have to agree with the servant, Ophelia," said a tall male figure with short black hair and half-rimmed glasses. "It was your behest that we should allow him to venture from our walls."

"I agree with Beryl," spoke a petite girl with bold glasses and two long black twin tails. "His foolishness is a result of your failure to keep him under your watchful eye."

"No Hinako," said Ophelia. "His psychosis is merely a side effect of stasis. We assure all of you that Zenith's nature does not hinder his capabilities."

"We trust that you are not mistaken Ophelia," Hinako said skeptically. "Me and Beryl find that carelessness of his very troubling."

"And his attitude is appalling..." Beryl blurted out. Just then, the doors burst open.

"How rude!"

Everyone turned to see who had entered. Walking up to them was a young man in a shirt and red tie, wearing a disheveled black suit and leather gloves. He had wild short pale hair and gold colored eyes with a burn mark under his left one. He wore a very sinister smile as he made his way to the center of the room, looking around at his peers. They all stared as he entered, and not all of them were pleased to see this man; Hinako, Beryl and Koyanskaya in particular.

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