Chapter 17: Private Lesson

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The automated sound emanated from a terminal that a frustrated staff-member of Chaldea was trying to access.

"For crying out loud! I am the Acting Director you wretched A.I,. Now open the door."


Roman sighed as SHEBA at last granted clearance and the doors to the Engineering Division slid open. He would've wanted to give whoever programmed Chaldea's A.I a piece of his mind if not for the more pressing issue at hand. The doctor decided it was time to see why Da Vinci was being so secretive since the masters and servants left for Scotland, and he wanted to know what the Caster had been working on these past couple of days.

Upon arriving however, Roman was surprised to see so many people here. Apart from himself, only Leonardo Da Vinci had the authority to reassign employees to a specific division should the need arise, which in this case was helping her build whatever hare-brained scheme she currently had in mind. Roman weaved through the hustle-and-bustle of engineers moving parts, using power tools, and giving each other directions as he looked for any sign of Da Vinci. While he was looking for her, he couldn't help but pay heed to the massive machine in the center of the action. Suspended above the workshop floor was what looked to be some kind of sleek, futuristic aircraft with sections of its fuselage and inner systems exposed. It was big and spacious, but clearly still a work-in-progress, as Roman's eyes scanned the underside of the plane's wing and he finally spots her.

Suspended on a harness, wearing a brightly-colored mechanic's outfit and welding mask, Da Vinci just finished welding some internal components together and closed the opening with a metal panel before raising the mask from her grease-stained face and spoke into her comm-link.

"Okay Rami... Try it now..."

In response, an "engine" whirls to life behind her and hums with an orange glow. Satisfied, Da Vinci spoke into her comm again.

"Propulsion looks good. We're done with the engines."

Da Vinci then activates a winch that quickly lowers her back to the ground. She lands on her feet gracefully beside Roman and unhooks herself from her harness.

"Ah, Roman," Da Vinci cheerily greeted as she took off her face-shield and let her hair fall past her shoulders. "I thought you would be in medical...What brings you here during your normal work schedule?"

"Well for starters..." Roman began like his reason should have seemed obvious to the Caster. "How about you conscripting a third of Chaldea's workforce for whatever science-project you've got going on here?"

"I beg your pardon..." the inventor feigned offence as she wiped her face with a cloth, cleaning off most of the grease on it. "I object to you calling this a science-project so callously. I'm building something ultimately useful..."

She started walking across the bustling garage and Roman followed close behind.

"This is a waste of resources Leona," the doctor tries convincing her. "We've got enough planes in Chaldea."

"NOT one that can be taken into a singularity, Roman," Da Vinci pointed out. "Which is what I've designed THIS beauty for..."

"Taken into a- what?!" Roman said in disbelief as they walked past a group of mechanics lugging what looked to be some kind of modular motorcycle on a dolly. Briefly ignoring the doctor, Da Vinci quickly instructed the technicians.

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