Chapter 12 (Sun is Crazy)

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Sun awoke and saw TattleTail on the dresser near the T.V, "wake up wake up" Sun shook awake Moon and Blood and grabbed the annoying flashlight and gave it to Moon, Sun picked up TattleTail "were having a party for Mama!" it said Sun frowned "what if I don't want to" hissed Blood, TattleTail ignored him completely. "Come help us!" Moon sighed and Sun could tell he was resisting the urge to nail the TattleTail to the wall and use it for target practice.

Don't ask why it's so specific, Sun has totally not planned that already with knives. A nice beautiful sharp weapon... I'm going insane.  "It's christmas Eve" said Sun, "were almost done" 'your right' Moon jumped up eyes filled with hope "that means we'll be back in out of this dimension and back in our own!" Sun nodded.

Sun clicked the button on TattleTail. He sighed, might as well get this party delt with. We made to the basement and Sun frowned "it's locked" and Moon turned to me "Sun were robots, we can break it down..." Sun pushed Moon "NOO! That might trap us! I think I saw another entrance into the basement outside!"

Moon growled and stomped away and out the back door, we saw the cellar door outside was open. "Huh, strangely convenient. I'll take it!" Sun said and walked down the stairs and saw two other TattleTails sitting on chairs one was blue the other yellow, Sun sighed used to it at this point and put TattleTail on the charger, and they chanted "more more!" Sun's eyes darted around nervously, watching out for Mama.

"Why are they so demanding!" hissed Blood and Moon nodded "I know, it's annoying" Sun sighed. He agreed, TattleTail was demanding. They were lucky they haven't died yet with its constant yelling. "So where do you think the next TattleTail is?" asked Blood and Sun shrugged, and then the light switched off.

"Shoot!" Moon hissed "Mama's near" Moon shook his flashlight, and Sun and Blood got themselves a light source. We heard Mama walking around and Sun shuddered, it occurred to him that he had not gotten a good look at Mama. Sun didn't want to find out how she looked, cause you know he'd probably die if he tried.

Not a smart move, if you wish to live. We crept around and made our way upstairs and went through the back door into the living room and, ooh there. There was a large present in front of the christmas tree, Sun walked over to it and Moon's light went out.  Sun, Moon, and Blood went still, went quiet. 

Sun watched the red eyes in front of him, panic quickly rising. Mama wasn't moving! Sun turned his head and saw Moon grab something nearby and hurl it outside as far as he could muster. The red eyes snapped towards the sound of the crash and there were thumping foot steps as Mama made her way outside, Sun quickly opened the present and made his way... outside.

"I did not think that through" Moon said and Sun sighed, "at least she isn't staring at us" Blood nodded with agreement "I agree, she's super creepy" Sun grabbed the yellow TattleTail carefully feeling confident in himself, so distraction's work. We could carry a distraction around and boom Mama away.

Sun grabbed a nearby brush and we made our way outside, we were lucky. Mama didn't show up, we walked down the cellar steps and put the yellow TattleTail on a chair to the left. Much to Sun's annoyance they cried "more more more!" Sun decided to click TattleTail to see if he told me where the other furby is.

Much to Sun's satisfaction it said he was in the garage. Or she, or they. Are these things sentient? Do they have a gender? Sun shook his head, you know whatever that is a question to answer later. Right now he had to go to the garage and retrieve the other TattleTail for the party and Sun wanted nothing to do with it. 

We crept outside, Sun's eyes darted around. It was so creepy outside, the shadows seemed to be reaching for me, taunting me. Sun went in front of the garage entrance, and stared at the endless dark in front of him. 

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now