Chapter 35 (Phantom)

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"Blood what are you holding?" Sun asked curiously and Blood turned "kitty" he holds up a purring black cat, it had very floofy black fur and pretty amber eyes. Sun gasped "kitty!" Sun pets the purring cat "where'd you get it?" and Blood said proudly "I stole him from a animal testing facility!" Sun was unsurprising considering Blood's backstory "cool" Sun said grinning at he pet the black cat.

The cat was a real sweety, it leaned in. It was seriously sad that this innocent little kitty was being tested on before, "so, have you named it?" Sun asked as he watched Blood pet the cat, Blood was clearly already attached and he looked up from his cat petting "no actually, wanna help me name the cat?" and Sun did a thumbs up "sure!" he loved cats, he was a little worried about Shadow though.

"Blood, you better keep an eye on this cat or at least keep it in your room, I don't want it to snack on Shadow" Sun said in a serious tone and Blood nodded "yeah yeah! I was planning to do that, also uh I'm gonna have to tell Olly that he isn't a snack" and Sun said "it's a he?" and Blood nodded "yep!" they start naming names "Olivier!" Sun said and Blood said "Sniper!" more names until they said together in unison "Phantom!" 'nice! We said it in unison!' Blood cheered and Sun grinned 'you know what that means!' "Phantom it is!" BloodMoon and Sun said in unison... again.

The two laughed at the fact they said stuff in unison twice in a row and Moon walked over "hey, whats up?" he said cheerfully walking over and Sun turned grinning "Moony! Hi! Blood stole a cat from a testing facility!" Sun then frowned, something was off... Moon's happiness seemed almost...forced. "Moon are you okay...?" he asked in concern and Moon waved it off "oh I'm fine! Just spent a long night last night patrolling" Sun frowned harder... "okay...." he felt like moon wasn't telling him something.

Sun understanding Moon's privacy wasn't going to press harder and Moon said "aww, such a cutey! Does it have a name?" and Blood said "me and Sun decided on Phantom!" and Moon said "okay! That's cute!" Moon booped Phantom "I love him already" Moon said grinning and Sun smiled "I know he's a sweety!" Moon pets Phantom gently "well" he sighed "I have a lot of work to do, you know walking around making sure no creeps brought in something dangerous" Sun nodded and grinned "good luck Moon!" Sun watched Moon walk off and the two of them wave and go back to obsessing over the cat.

They were both too busy with cute fluffy Phantom to notice the harsh threatening glare Moon gave Blood, it was clearly not supposed to be notice and it didn't go noticed. "Aww!" Sun said petting Phantom "you hit the jackpot Blood!" and Blood grinned "I know! He's so sweet!" Phantom nuzzled Blood's hand and Sun smiled when he saw how happy Blood was.

To Sun, Blood was like a little brother, seeing him smile made Sun very happy. Blood held Phantom close smiling a wide smile, it was truly an adorable sight, Sun snapped a pic of the moment and added it to his memories so he can look back at it. "You sure love Phantom don't you!" Sun grinned, but he still felt an etch of concern, Moon's behavior... had been

It had been sorta concerning, but maybe Moon was just tired, Moon did sometimes over work himself, much to Sun's unliking, not that Sun doesn't overwork himself sometimes, one time he stayed up for two days working on something. Blood and Moon had scolded the heck out him, that had been annoying but understandable.

"Yeah!" Blood cheered while petting Phantom, Sun smiled "I trust you can take care of Phantom, your responsible enough" he loved Blood's silly attitude at the moment, it was rare to see Blood this silly, I mean sure he loves to joke around, but it was still rare to see him grinning the biggest goofy grin and petting a cat. 

Olly jumped down "yo!" Blood said seriously while pointing at Phantom "Olly I want to make this CLEAR! Phantom here is not a snack!" Olly grumble "aww, okay" and Blood said "good, not a snack!" Blood pets Phantom as he said this and Olly looked jealous and Blood chuckled petting Olly's ears, Olly looked relieved almost as if she had been wondering if she was being replaced or something. 

Blood pets Olly "I know that look, Olly your still my favorite!" Olly leaned in and growled seriously "okay, don't you dare give that cat more attention then me!" and Blood chuckled "okay okay! I won't!" Olly licked Blood's hand "okay okay, I trust you!" Phantom put a paw on Olly's nose "mew!" Olly grinned "I like you already!" Blood raised a eyebrow as the two chat "well that was faster then I thought" and Sun shrugged "I wonder what Phantom could have possibly said to get Olly to like him like that" Blood shrugged to "the world shall never know" they watch the two chat and shrug 'the world shall never know.'

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now