Chapter 33 (Stop Fighting for Five Seconds!)

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A/N: the fact I made such a short chapter last time is killing me, so take this


Something wrong, I feel watched... Blood thought as he looked around, paranoia filling him. For the last two weeks he's felt like he's being watched, everywhere I go, I feel like someone is watching. Half the paranoia was Eclipse, is he watching? Is he about to strike? Blood didn't have a very good history with Eclipse.

He had lost someone very dear to him in Eclipse's hands, Lunar. Lunar had been Blood's everything... no no, don't think about that. Blood forced back tears as he looked around his torso doing a full 180 multiple times. 

He saw nothing, maybe It's nothing. Blood told himself, yeah it has to be nothing. He forced himself to keep walking, he felt eyes burning into his back, ignore... he told himself, Blood's paranoia only kept growing, thoughts of Eclipse raced through his head. No no no, ignore. Blood told himself as he began to walk faster.

Still Blood felt eyes burned into his back, he turned quickly, nothing. Am I finally losing it? I mean judging by my past it wouldn't be very surprising. But still... something is watching me. Blood's claws sheathed and unsheathed nervously, he grabbed a nearby piece of concrete and sliced it with his claws. 

It didn't help much but at least it's something, Blood's paranoia was only growing. He didn't want to be alone right now, he felt like something was stalking him, following him. But that can't be right... his red star-shaped eyes dart around nervously, he twirls his red nightcap with a finger. Nothings there, he told himself, nothing is there. 

He walked faster, bells jingling slightly. Olly pounced in front of Blood "sup!" Blood jumped "oh uh hi Olly!" he said forcing the nervousness back, Olly licked a paw. Blood hoped it had been Olly watching him and not some creep- the scientists.

Blood was instantly bombarded with flashbacks of pain, terror, and hurt, no! He forced it back, not now! "Whatcha up to?" Olly asked curiously as she hopped onto Blood's shoulder, Blood shrugged still nervous but hiding it well, a little skill he learned from his... past... "oh just taking a walk" Blood said, Olly tilted her head.

Olly's clearly suspicious, she doesn't say anything though "okay" she mewed casually "I wonder what Shadow's been up to, I haven't seen him in a while" Blood shrugged "rat stuff, foraging, stashing, ect" Olly snorted "if you asked me, rats have turds for brains-" and Shadow ran over and squeaked "EXCUSE ME?!" Shadow stood on his hind legs glaring.

Welp, yet another argument between the two, and I'm stuck in it, great. Blood groaned and Olly and Shadow bickered with one another, "well!" Olly hissed "you stinky rats are dirty!" and Shadow gasped "I keep myself as clean as I possibly can! I clean myself all the time unlike you DIRTY CATS!" Olly growled in warning, Blood groaned "guys stop-" Crystal hopped in "oh boy" Crystal hopped out soon after coming in as he saw the two bickering animal companion, even Crystal wants nothing to do with it!

Olly and Shadow's ears are back with rage and Blood groaned "guys, just get along for five seconds!" Olly growled and Blood said "stop, you guys never get along! Ever!" Olly and Shadow muttered and Blood sighed "I get it, ocelot and rat. But you two are animal companions! Why are you always at each other's throats?" Olly said "well, uhhh" Shadow and Olly look at each other "Olly's just annoying" Shadow said pointing as Olly said at the exact same time "Shadows just annoying" while pointing at Shadow.

Blood groaned "god, it's like dealing with toddlers" offended Shadow and Olly look, "okay" Blood said "instead of going at each others throats 24/7 try and understand each other, okay!" Olly went "hmm, not much to understand in that rat brain of Shadow's" Shadow let out out enraged squeak "well your is empty! Just like your heart! You're worse then Pine Tree Zoo!" Blood took a sharp inhale of air as he watched Olly's fur rise, he knew Shadow had hit a nerve.

Blood realized he needed to stop this argument before it grew ugly "okay" Blood said "lets-" Olly glared at Shadow, hissed and jumped onto the support beams above and climbed off. Shadow looked a bit guilty by what he had said, he knows what he had said had just gave flashbacks to Olly, flashbacks of malnutrition and mistreatment. Blood sighed "hey, Shadow it's okay, you were mad and you were defending yourself it's okay" Shadow groaned "as much as I hate to admit it, I should apologize..." Blood smiled and pats Shadow's head "you should" Blood was relieved that Shadow wasn't just walking off.

Shadow ran off, hopefully to apologize to Olly. Blood sighed and rubbed his eyes looking around, he needed to charge... I'm tired. He walked off to his room to charge.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now