Chapter 18

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Warning: mentions of needles, violence, blood


Bloodmoon awoke with a gasp, "it was just a dream" he told himself shaking "just a dream" he tried to calm his breathing, flashes of needles in his mind he shudders. He tucked his knees into his chest holding back tears, "it was just a dream" he told himself. It was just a dream this time.

He shuddered, why did that have to happen to me? He looked around at everyone, charging... and they look so comfy... should robots even be able to have nightmares?  He looks at his red hands and clenches them to fist, I'm fine i'm fine... i'm not fine. 

Blood sighs and he felt tears in his eyes, Sun will find out eventually. He will, and Blood he... Blood sighs sadly, he didn't know how Sun would react. I will hide it the best I can... I will hope it never comes out. 

Sun can be a bloodhound when it comes to sour feelings though, it was tough. Blood sighed "it's going to be fine" he told himself laying down "I'm going to be fine" he kept telling himself, not even Eclipse knows... No stop thinking like that! Stop thinking about it! He forced it away, he forced them away. It'll be fine.


It was a beautiful morning when we went to feed SCP's, Shadow was on Sun's shoulder and Chica skipped ahead, Blood sighed "it's finally not raining" Sun growls "yeah! The rain was getting annoying" he stretched and we opened the factory door and ran in "hey!" he cried and Chica ran in towards Jacky. 

Jacky was eating the wall, again. Sun sighed and let Chica deal with that he turned to Skull, his personal favorite, and stroked him "you ready for breakfast?" he asked and Skull shrugged "yeah" Sun gave him a slab of meat and dodged some sand Olivia threw, she was so mischievous and liked to pull pranks.

"Olivia" he scoffed "I don't want sand everywhere again!" he cried and Olivia laughed and jumped down from the ceiling with a thump of her sand shifting and moving to create her frame, she stuck a sandy tongue out at me "fiiinnneee" she said and Sun looked her suspiciously, he knew better then to turn his back on her. 

Blood ran over and Chica picked Jacky up with a sigh, "so" said Chica " you're going to raid a government base today?" Sun smirked and nodded and Shadow bruxed on his shoulder, "yeah were going to raid them real good!" Blood cheered "yeah!" meowed Olly though Chica couldn't understand.

Chica sighs "just don't die, okay" and Blood and Sun smirked "we can't die" Chica sighs "how..." and Sun smirks "if we die our body will explode and we will wake up in our backup so the government doesn't know who we are" Chica stared like she was shocked  "that's morbid..." Blood does a thumbs up "I have to run on blood, so I mean It's not the worst" Chica sighs "okay" she kicks a rock on the floor looking worried and Sun smiled. 

"Chica we'll be fine" he said putting a hand on her shoulder "we'll be fine, just make sure Jacky doesn't chew a hole through the wall again" Chica smiled and nodded "okay" she said slowly "now!" said Blood "we have a government research base to break into!" Sun cheered and we left the factory leaving worried Chica behind.

We teleported to one of the many entrances, "how did you get here before magic..." and Blood smirked "I have my ways" Sun glared "you stole a helicopter by throwing the person out mid air somehow" Blood froze, and nodded "pretty much" Sun sighs "your a mystery" and Blood nodded "yes I am" we saw the guards and Sun just snapped them out of existence.

Blood gasped softly "you just..." Sun did a thumbs up "I won't do it again unless I have to" he said and we went down the elevator carefully, Sun didn't like the idea that it was an underground facility, it made him nervous. He shook it off and watched the elevator door open, we were almost instantly surrounded by guards.

Sun blinked he was unimpressed many cocked their guns and shot us Sun and Blood teleported and one of the security men yelled "there are two SCP's..." and Sun yelled "not SCP's!" he and Blood then we well ended their life.  Blood stared at the mess and Sun felt slightly guilty "lets move" he said, the guilt creeping into his voice.

Blood sighed and led Sun away from the mess "lets get them out" we looked around and Sun saw a SCP, it was a huge doll "freaky" said Sun and Blood stared at it, he punched a D class in the face as it ran at him. Blood picked up a nearby folder and Sun stared at the D class, "he's dead" and Blood smirked "he got a robot fist to the face" and Sun nodded "you have a point" we looked at the classified file.

Almost instantly Blood said "moving on, were leaving this one" Sun frowned "what?" and Blood sighed "this one is incredibly dangerous and violent" said Blood and the doll lunged at us but was blocked by huge layers of glass. 

"You don't need to say that again" said Sun rays back with shock at the scare, the doll screeched "Bloody of the Sunny" Sun frowned in confusion and Blood shrugged "lets just move on" we left the angry SCP and moved on killing many guards who went to investigate the sudden anger of SCP-923.

It was a long time there and we left with some SCP's, others were left in the facility. Sun found out that some SCP's are inanimate objects, we left those behind. Blood teleported us back to the factory, and Chica was nowhere to be seen, probably back at the PizzaPlex. 


Monty was standing at the door when she came in, "oooohhh hhiiii" she said slowly freezing up, shoot. Monty stared "Chica what are you doing?! You know we are not allowed outside!" Chica shrugged "it's nice" she said "say, have you tried the new Monty smoothie-" Monty scoffed "yes and it's delicious, now stop trying to change the subject!" Chica scoffed and put her hands on her hips.

She didn't trust Monty at all, he was a loose cannon and if money were shoved in his face the SCP's are dead, she began to walk away "CHICA! YOU GET BACK HERE!" he cried and grabbed my hand Chica turned and glared "stop acting like this for one second and tell me what your doing outside!" he cried and Chica glared "none of your beeswax!" Monty huffed with anger, Chica pulled her arm away and Monty said "I-I'll give you pizza!" he tried and Chica turned and glared.

"Not telling you, I can get pizza whenever!" Chica hissed and Monty looked surprised he murmured "that usually works" and Chica walked off, I took a vow and I keep my vows.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now