Chapter 31

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"Chica" he said gruffly "I want to eat someone" Chica turned and smirked "let me guess, your bored" Skull said wrapping his tail around himself "yep" Chica sighed "well to bad, it's too dangerous" Skull scoffed, he was so irritated, so annoyed, he understood sure, but it was still boring here, all Olivia talks about it boys. Oh boy here, oh he's handsome, boys there, it drove Skull bonkers.

He quite likes Jacky, he's silent and likes to chill, respectable. Chica rolled her eyes "sorry big guy, but we can't have the SCP Foundation taking you back" Skull groan, he understood for sure... he just wished he weren't confined here with morons, which he secretly likes. It was tough for him sometimes, alone time is quite tough in a confined place. Jacky has it easy, he's tiny and can hide under pretty much anything.

Skull... not so much, he's huge. Meaning anyone can find him quickly, but lately. Something inside the PizzaPlex... it's calling him. He's not sure what it is, or why he felt it... it's so strange, through his decades of living he's never felt it. It's new, strange. But he just ignored it, he guessed it was his need to get out of this old warehouse. 

As much as Olivia and the others drove him bonkers, they were still like family to him, way better than the Scarlet King for sure. He was mean to me, abusive. Chica tossed Skull a huge slab of meat and he snatched it, he couldn't imagine life without Chica either.

Skull sighed, neither can he imagine life without Sun, or Blood... he would be really lonely without them. But Skull has noticed Blood's behavior, it seemed normal to the untrained eye for sure. But... he could tell Blood has a dark past... like me, my time with the Scarlet King all those years ago... it wasn't good.

Ever since Blood broke me out... it's been great. I still need alone time sometimes though, he's not exactly an extrovert like Olivia. Skull stretched and yawned and curled for some much needed sleep. 

Yep, the nocturnal SCP's kept him up. He's been getting used to it though, he's been sleeping better everyday, at least he was sleeping better here then at the SCP Foundation, that was constant stress, fear of the unknown, fear of danger... now, he felt safe. 

Skull drifted off to sleep only to have Olivia flop down next to him and curl around him, Skull felt her constantly moving sand against his scales and flesh, an odd sense of comfort. He and Olivia drifted off to sleep, he couldn't imagine life with her... Blood, Sun, ect. He just couldn't, they were like family to him, a real one, and he was going to take it.

No hesitation, he was going to live it. He didn't miss any of his past, Scarlet King didn't care for me, the SCP Foundation only wanted to research me... Olivia and the others, they care for me. Skull, he would do anything he could to protect them, to keep them safe. He was indestructible after all, so he could jump bullets easy. Not that they'd harm Olivia, they shoot right through her... yeah... Skull still doesn't completely understand how she works. But whatever, many SCP's don't make sense.

Skull drifted off to sleep, this is where I belong. 

Yall, I'm sorry for the VERY short chapter, but I had to post something and well... writers block... but yeah hope you liked this lol

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now