Chapter 13 (Hold Up, Is That a Wildcat?)

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A/N: this will be rushed because I want to move to the more interesting part of the story, so expect a short rushed chapter. Enjoy :)

Sun awoke and saw the sky outside was blue and it was a bright morning, Sun hoped this would be the last day and that they will be back in their dimension. Moon awoke and said "I hope we go back to our dimension after this, I'm missing  the lemony taste of our dimension" Blood snorted at that.

Sun chuckled amused at Moon's shenanigans, "yeah yeah" Blood said amused "sure" Moon glared "my mouth tasted bad and bitter now!" Sun chuckled "yeaaaahhh ssuuuree" Moon glared "hey it's not like I'm the crazy one!" he cried "you banished a demon!" Blood punched Sun's shoulder playfully, "oh yeah he did! I've never been prouder!" Moon glared a Blood and sighed.

"Whatever" Sun noticed that Moon looked concerned, "don't worry about me" said Sun with an eye roll, Moon glared "not convincing" Sun sighed and opened the door, the lights were on and it had this cosy feeling. Sun didn't let that fool him, he didn't trust this dimension. Blood walked over to a present and pulled to top off carefully. 

He pulled out a small note and opened it. He read the neat handwriting outloud.

Dear Sun, Blood, and Moon,

I can't go into words on how much I thank you, Sun I thank you for banishing that demon of a TattleTail! I'm sorry for what I made you go through, please forgive me. After you finish reading this note you will be sent back to your dimension. I am the dimension and I wrote this letter, I am a sentimental being. 

That awful TattleTail has been plaguing my dimension for far too wrong, now it tastes bitter!

Moon glared at Blood when he said "huh" we continued reading.

I used to smell like cupcakes and happiness.

Sun said "that just sounds wrong" Blood nodded and Moon shrugged, it seemed he thought it was normal.

It will take some time for everything to go back to normal, but I am forever in your debt. Mostly Sun but I will gladly help Moon and Blood too. If you want to come back anytime soon and help me get back to normal then I would be glad, but that's up to you. It wouldn't surprise me if you decided you wanted nothing to do with me. I put you through a lot after all.

Sending love and a little therapy - Dimension 9999 (aka Carl)

Then the world had a warping sensation Sun was familiar with, we were moving dimensions! We were going back home! Sun felt so much joy fill him as he looked around at the room they were forced into while the daycare was being worked on.

Shadow ran over and yelled "where have you been! You've been gone for an hour!" only an hour, it had definitely been longer than that in the other dimension. "We were in a dimension with evil furbys" said Sun and Shadow sighed "really? That sounds awful" Sun nodded "it was" Sun heard Moon chatting with Crystal.

Blood (a day later)

Blood was walking in the woods outside of the pizzaplex, he had a lot on his mind. A huge amount on his mind in fact, so much that he felt his mind was going to explode. He and Sun shared a mind link, he had felt the violent thoughts coming of Sun from now to then. He hadn't thought about it much, you know because of the almost dying multiple times thing.

Now that Blood thought about it, he realized that those violent thoughts weren't like Sun. Blood sighed and climbed up a nearby tree and sat on a branch, he watched the sun dip into the horizon. He smiled at it, wait has Sun seen himself? You know seen the sun? Blood sighed I'll have to show him the beautiful colors of the sunset. 

Blood picked up a green leaf from the oak tree he was on and let go of it, it floated away dancing around in the air before disappearing somewhere. Blood climbed up higher into the tree and went onto a little platform he had made, this was his thinking spot. 

How much did I not know about Sun? He gets cooler and cooler at every discovery, Moon clearly does not think it's cool though, he seems to be getting concerned. Understandable considering the fact Sun's banished demons before. Which to Blood was cool, but to Moon it might be a terrifying thought.

The wind lifted Blood's nightcap up and moved it around everywhere. Blood was annoyed when it hit his face, Blood sighed and held his red double sided nightcap in place. He saw the final light strands of the sun fading away, replaced by the moon's soft light. Blood heard something under him, a single crack and Blood stood on his feet stiffening. 

His eyes darted around, Blood was aware that being in the forest at night was not the safest thing to do. There could be anything out there that would destroy him, sure he was a robot but a pack of wolves would be a huge struggle. There was no more sound but Blood was aware that whatever had made the sound was still moving towards him.

Was it in the tree?! We don't have monkeys or really anything that climbs tree's except stray cats. Blood sighed, he had spooked himself it was probably a bird or something. Blood sat back down and watched the huge brilliant white moon rise in the distance.

He wondered if there really was a blood moon, you know a red moon. Or was he just named that? Blood wasn't sure, but if a blood moon existed he'd like to see it. It'd probably be so cool! So lovely! Bloodmoon heard another crack, and a sign that it wasn't a bird "scrrrch scrrch" his spine shivered and he took his claws. (yes Blood has retractable claws)

He saw a small spotted head poke out of the branches,  it had large eyes and a large pink nose. It tilted it's head at me, what is that? Blood kept his claws out, it looked like a kind of wild cat. That could be bad news for Blood. It crawled onto the platform and Blood backed away, he glared at it nervously. He could see it's features a little better now that it was moon light, it had curved ears, spots along its whole body, and one long tail that seemed to help it with balance.

Blood knew this wild cat was small, but he knew better than to let his guard down. It sat and tilted its head at me and blinked, it looked like a curious dog. It opened its mouth, revealing some very sharp teeth, and said "why hello Bloodmoon."

Well this was very short and fast paced, but I want to get the book moving back into the interesting part

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now