Chapter 22

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Sun awoke and he looked around and began his morning project, it was a machine to lift objects. Simple but he was bored and he had nothing better to do, Moon awoke and he looked around "starting your project?" he smirked and Sun smirked back "why yes I am, wait where's Bloodmoon?" Sun looked around, he wasn't in the room.

"I don't know..." just then me and Moon got a notification.

DAYCARE animatronics! Make your way to the superstar daycare! It's all done! The kids are excited to meet you! We'll give you a day to settle in then it's straight to fun work for you!

"Bruh" said Sun "as excited as I am, I'm infuriated that they just think we work and think it's fun" Moon sighed "at least they gave us some time" Sun nodded "you go and check it out, I'll find Blood" Moon nodded "okay" he walked off and Sun walked around the Pizza Plex, he wondered where could have possibly gone.

"Hey Sun" called Freddy and Sun smiled and waved "how are you?" asked Freddy and Sun smiled "good" he leaned against a wall "I'm just searching for Blood, he's disappeared" Freddy looked concerned "where do you think he went?" and Sun sighed "who knows, sometimes I've learned that he needs alone time, but the Daycare is done and he's been excited about it" Freddy nodded in understanding.

"Good luck, you better find him soon the first show is about to start and people are flocking in" Sun nodded "okay good luck with your show" Freddy nodded and we parted ways, Sun began quickly walking around the Pizza Plex, it helped that he had a map so he knew the secret paths.

Sun turned a corner and he saw Blood, at first he didn't notice anything wrong "hi, the Daycares done!" he cheered, and then Blood didn't respond. Sun noticed something was wrong, "are you okay?" he asked and Blood sighed "fine"  Sun didn't buy it, he sat next to Blood "do you want to talk about it?" he asked nicely and Blood shook his head.

Sun sighed he was concerned "okay, well you wanna see the new Daycare or stay here?" Blood got up and Sun sighed "you sure you don't want to talk about it" Blood nodded and Sun sighed "okay" even if me and Blood are close there is still a lot I don't know about him, that's fine though.

We walked and Blood practically dragged himself after me, Sun was very concerned. He didn't press Blood though, when he felt the time was right he'll tell me. "Hey now we can continue magic training" Sun elbowed Blood softly and Blood looked excited now, that made me happy "really!" he cried and Sun chuckled "of course, lets explore the Daycare first though" smiled Sun and Blood nodded eagerly.

He seemed happy now, but I'm keeping an eye on him...we pushed the large doors open and gasped "WOAH!" cried Sun, it was huge! Two huge colorful play structures were in the middle and many barrels were scattered around in stacks. Sun grinned and said "it's incredible!" Blood looked at his new home and Sun climbed up the play structure, "I'm a king!" he saw Blood chuckle and Moon came.

"You found him!" he cheered and Sun nodded, not talking about the state he found Blood in. "Yep!" he said cheerfully and Blood looked relieved that I didn't tell Moon 'I'll keep it hidden' 'thanks' "It's awesome isn't it!" cried Moon "have you seen our room?" Sun realized that he didn't think of that, "no lets check now!" it was nice to see Moon so excited. 

We attached the wire and we made our way to our rooms and Sun was shocked, how did a small room turn this large! We had more than enough space now! Sun was so happy, Moon and Blood looked equally happy. Sun ran to a room marked Sunrise and he pushed it open, it was large and brightly colored, just as I like it!

Sun smiled and Blood said "there is a room with my name on it..." Sun turned "really?" he said and Blood pointed at a red door, the company must have seen that Blood has been staying with us lately... we don't have any privacy if I see a camera in my room I'm EMPing it. "Cool" he said and Blood pushed it open "finally my own room!" he cheered Moon chuckled  Sun was happy to see Blood happy. 

"I'm tired" said Blood and Sun shrugged "take a nap" Blood did a thumbs up "will do!" he shut the door to go and use his new bed, Sun sighed. This was normal, Blood took naps often. He began to explore his room, it was just as he hoped it would be! 


Blood couldn't sleep, his nightmares woke him up. His past always comes back to haunt him, Blood leaned against a wall. It's three am in the morning, Blood hoped he could get to sleep soon, but laying on the floor in the small room made him nervous. He felt something was going to jump out at him and try and kidnap him.

Blood was tired, but his mind was restless. He was nervous for many reasons, many of which he didn't even want to think about. It seemed whenever he forgets, it always creeps back. He wanted to tell someone, Sun most likely, but he wasn't sure how to explain his nightmares. In Sun's eyes I'm just a sentient robot, m-maybe it should stay that way.

I need therapy though, Lunar used to give me plenty of therapy but now he's... gone. Even years later it's still hard on him, WHY IS MY LIFE JUST BAD! WHY WHENEVER I FEEL SAFE SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS! Blood clenched his hands into fist, his entire life had been sad and traumatizing inconveniences!

Why me?! Blood sighed, he hoped it would end, but he felt like something bad was going to happen. Something bad always happens why am I lying to myself, I can't get a break! Blood sat against the wall knees tucked into his chest, he really didn't want Sun to get hurt, he didn't want Moon, Chica or anyone else to get hurt.

Am I just walking and living bad luck? Blood put his head on his knees, I must be... at this point am I even living? I... don't know.

What? Bloodmoon? He's just there// SB Fanfic, S.A.M.S AU//DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now