For the Fallen and Afraid

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Despite the mood, the world around Victoria was colourful. Purple, blue, and red surrounded her, but inside, she was grey. Several different shades of grey if you wanted to be more specific. A soft, muted tone; a harsh dark tone; and everything in between the two, all swirling around like a hurricane, which reflected on her face and those in attendance. Around Victoria, the world was mourning for the loss of Elizabeth, who was a bright spot in most lives. The soft fall of rain was appropriate for the occasion, better showcasing the somber atmosphere.

In the small distance, the memorial attendees could hear Lisa singing softly, her voice soothing and carried on the wind. As Victoria approached the brunette, she noticed Alex and Anne slumped against the old stone wall of the broken down cathedral. Once Victoria reached the group, Lisa stopped singing and put down her guitar. "Hello." Her low Texas drawl was as familiar to Victoria as anything else, and was a soothing presence.

Victoria looked around at the group. Each were so different from each other, and it finally struck her for the first time that she still didn't understand why each of the girls, including herself, were all magical. To top that off as well, she was told only three months ago that she was the incarnate of Aideen. And during those three months, Victoria had managed to infiltrate and topple plenty of organizations that threatened the island's safety. Admittedly, some of her escapades were less-than-desirable. She had allowed her sworn enemy to go. Mr. Sands let her take his grandson back safely, only for the Keepers to apprehend them, locking Justin in a cell which was placed in Avalon's basement. She then had to perform a break and enter followed by a jailbreak with Alex's help. When Elizabeth and Rhiannon found out, she had to flee unless she was locked up as well. Safe-to-say, her relationship with Rhiannon, the druid who caught her, was quite rocky for weeks after.

Despite all that, surprisingly her most despised job was when Victoria had to break Herman out of a DC cage and could have died in doing so. But no, send Victoria in all alone without any backup or a decent plan like always. Avalon and Fripp should consider themselves lucky that she even decided to come back at all after that. And then there was the time she developed a huge aversion to frogs much to the chagrin of Linda, while she was out on a mission for the mayor of Cape West. Of course no one warned her that she would be turned into a frog by his wife, who was conveniently a witch.

Pi had used more magic than Vic was even allowed to harness, which she found rather infuriating, especially considering how much weight she pulled for the Keepers. The few times she used her power, which totaled below ten (she had kept track), it wasn't even an impressive display. It was just small and weak. Nothing stronger than speaking to ghosts or seeing souls. The so-called goddess incarnate can't even make her enemies tremble at the sight of her. With the exception of Mrs. Drake who liked Victoria's work while she was briefly a secretary for the mad woman, there was no form of respect from anyone. It was humiliating. Alex had been blowing things up and striking others down with lightning during battles. Linda had been looking into the past and future before large attacks, trying to determine what might happen, or what had happened before and how to avoid it. Lisa had used her magic to heal others. Hell, even Victoria's horse transformed into a pegasus when they rescued Justin. As for Anne, well, Victoria wasn't sure what Anne could do, but she guessed that it was pretty similar to Elizabeth's powers since they were in the same sun circle. All Victoria had was a stupid pink rune wand and a white stone that hung around her neck on a delicate silver chain. When she discovered her magic, she felt a powerful thrumming through her veins, but once Victoria had received the stone, the thrumming subsided to nothing but a dull pulse.

A soft hand on her shoulder dragged Victoria back to reality. She looked over into dark brown eyes, framed by glasses. "Sorry," she mumbled, looking away from Linda who in turn laughed with Alex.

"It's fine. You've been zoning out on us a lot lately, especially after rescuing Anne. Is everything all right?" Linda wrapped an arm around Victoria's shoulder, pulling her into a side hug.

She leaned into Linda and smiled weakly, the exhaustion and emotional toll of everything finally taking root in her. "Everything's fine. I was just thinking."

"You do that a lot lately." Thankfully, the subject was dropped and that was the last thing until the memorial ended. Finally, she could go home. Victoria shifted in her saddle, beginning to separate from the group and start her long ride to Dundull. But before Bear, her bay Percheron, could get ten steps away from Doyle's Abby, Avalon called out to Victoria, forcing her to look back at him curiously. What he could possibly want only Aideen knew.

"Victoria, I was hoping to speak with you again. In light of recent events, and considering how late it is, I have decided to extend a proposition to you."

Victoria wrinkled her nose "There is nothing you could offer me right now."

If his hood was down, Victoria would have see his pained expression. "Before Elizabeth's unfortunate death, she and I had spoken and even consulted Evergray about it to get a third opinion that we didn't need in my opinion." There was a sharp intake of breath. "We had come to the conclusion that it'd be best for you to move in with me for a little bit, so the Keepers can keep a closer eye on you."

While the prospect of living with this grouchy man was the least appealing thing she'd ever heard, it could always be worse. "You want me to live with you?"

"Yes, starting today."

Victoria sighed. "All right." She'd have to go back to Dundull where she currently lived to grab some stuff and let Imane know that some things had come up with her "second job" so that the journalist wasn't constantly worrying about where her only staff member was. Was it too late to become a journalist full time? Without leaving anymore room for discussion, Avalon started walking down the path and into the woods which would lead to the secluded village, Evergray and Victoria closely behind him.

As the sun disappeared behind the highest mountain peak, and the bitter cold moved in, it seemed like things were going to get harder but maybe better too. Victoria's hopes lifted and she finally felt optimistic for what the future held.

A/N: sorry this chapter is so short. I'm just setting the story up, and hopefully the next chapters are longer. 

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