Garden of Eden

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Victoria wrapped the leather strap she made tightly around her right thigh, tugging on it extra hard to make sure it would hold. When she was certain it wouldn't break apart under any pressure, she slid the broadsword that Estrid had gifted her into the sheath, wrapping two strips of the strap around the covered blade and tying it off. When she rose back to her normal height, the skirts she wore concealed the weapon and she turned to Anne, passing a series of folded papers to her. "Since you're going back to Muninn, can you take these and hide them inside a loose floorboard? We're going to need them when the uprising comes around." Most of the papers contained detailed drawings of secret passages and hiding spots Anne could use to get to where she needed to be. But there was also a list of names they both needed of who to search out during the battle, who would be of help and who they needed to get out of the way so that everything went perfectly. Neither had looked at the names, but Victoria had a basic idea on who they would find listed on the papers.

"You're sure everything will be okay with me back in Golden Hills for a few weeks?" Anne tucked the papers into a bag and crossed her arms. Sitting idly by was not preferable by either of them, but there wasn't much else that the Soul Riders could do for now. At least, nothing that wouldn't end in complete disaster for everyone.

Victoria nodded and placed the last bag of Anne's stuff onto the back of her horse and secured it. "I'll be fine. After I talk with Lorensson and get a basic idea of when they plan on attacking, I'll send a letter, and then we'll just have to follow the plan that Estrid has laid out for us." It seemed simple enough in theory, but in execution? That was going to be a different story.


A woman in green swept through the halls, expression stern and head held high. Everyone she walked past, including Lorensson bowed or lowered their heads. When she was out of earshot, whispers began from both noble, peasant and servant alike. The queen's sister rarely ever appeared at court after she had been disgraced years prior. But if she was here, then some plans needed to move a bit more quickly. While Lorensson had a general idea as to why Estrid's sister was called upon, he couldn't risk her getting in the way of anything important.

Turning quickly on his heel, Lorensson walked at a brisk pace towards town, signaling to a few nobles and soldiers to follow his lead. Looking around to make sure no one was paying attention, he walked down a set of stones that would one day become stairs, and slipped into a hidden alley that no one paid attention to unless they were searching for the help of a blacksmith. There was a wooden door two shops down that the man knocked on twice, waiting for it to swing open so he could tell his battle strategists what he saw.

Several heads popped up from the table in the middle of the room, greeting Lorensson silently. "Our fallen princess has arrived at the Jarl's manor. I have a few guesses as to why she is here, and none of them are good. I want you all to exercise greater caution when passing off information to each other, especially when in her presence." Silence fell upon the room, the only sound coming from the faint hammering of the blacksmiths a few steps away. "I'd also be careful around the queen. She may be our ally in this rebellion, but she has different motives. Estrid may turn against us once she's accomplished her goal." That also means I can't fully trust Victoria anymore.


Revna eyed the people she passed in the hall as she made her way to the large doors of the throne room. Behind it was her sister, as well as her brother-in-law, who she had asked to stay hidden while she pried the necessary information out of Estrid. Disgrace me and denounce my name in front of everyone, and then expect me to help you overthrow Jon? I think not. Her jaw clenched as she pushed the large wooden doors open, finding Estrid pacing back and forth in the middle of the room.

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