As the World Caves In

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Alex snarled at Ydris as he held a piece of food over his head. A sly smirk spread over his features before Alex hit him on the back of his knees sharply with the blunt end of a large branch, followed by a quick punch to his gut. He doubled over in pain and she snatched the bread from his grasp. It was slightly burnt around the edges but it was otherwise still edible.

She waltzed over to where Maya stood, a hand covered her mouth to keep in her laughter that threatened to spill out. "That's cheating." Ydris gasped out, glaring up at the two younger women from where he was hunched over on the grass in the apple orchard.

"No, it's not. It was perfectly reasonable," Alex replied snarkily, causing Maya to let out a sharp giggle from the rock she had decided would make a good seat.

The magician sighed, sharing a look with a nearby raven as he recovered to his full height. "The druid you're all so fond of," he spat out. "Has asked me to make sure you know how to properly handle unsuspected situations."

"And I just proved that I can. Now go bother someone else about that," Alex shot back.

Ydris shuddered at the thought. "They might kill me if I do that."

"And you're suggesting I can't? Ydris," Alex hoisted herself onto a low hanging branch and scowled at him. "In case you forgot, I'm the soldier in this group. Now go bother Linda or Lisa, I want to get back to my date with Maya."

Ydris sighed again but walked away, muttering about how things were run in Jorvik. Alex shook her head, a ghost of a smile on her lips and she muttered "Idiot," under her breath. Forcing her full attention on her girlfriend, Alex pulled out a box from her saddle bag and handed it to Maya. "This is the last time I'll be able to see you in a casual setting for a bit, so I wanted you to have this. I can't promise I'll come back in one piece when this is all over, but I promise I'll come back." Hopefully.


Avalon and Everygray sat around a table, old letters flung about carelessly. The elder brother threw his head back and laughed, the deep sound bouncing off the close walls of the room. Avalon had forgone his hood, revealing shoulder-length brown hair that was starting to grey. He cracked a small smile at his brother's antics. "I suppose it is rather silly."

"You were pining over a woman who was married for years, Avalon! It was hilarious."

"Yeah? Well, it's not my fault," he mumbled.

Everygray snorted. "Too bad she didn't make it out." The room's atmosphere grew tense and somber. "You know we have to talk about that."

"I know. But I'd rather not. We both know what happened to Catherine was a mistake." Evergray frowned. A mistake? No, more like murder but the Keepers refused to admit to everyone including themselves. Avalon sighed heavily. No one had the heart to tell Catherine's husband that his wife had been killed. Elizabeth, still fresh with grief over her lost friend, had told him that Catherine died from complications with birth. It was a simple white lie, but one that would cause more trouble for the Druids if it ever got out. "Her husband will never know. Not while I'm alive at least."

Everygray patted Avalon's shoulder. "Well, you're still an old sap. Keeping old letters between you two? I mean really, Avalon. You could have a bit more class."

Avalon made a face and silently mocked his brother. "Shut up."

"I love you too."


Victoria's hair was pulled back into a loose braid, bronze runic beads woven throughout. Her face had blue paint made from woad placed in a jagged fashion under her eyes.

Estrid squeezed Victoria's hands in her own lightly, smiling sweetly at the girl in front of her and kissed Victoria's cheeks quickly. "I'm so happy for you Victoria. Muninn Hall used to belong to me, and while I provided it to you and Anne for good lodgings when you were away from Jarlaheim, it's now yours permanently. You've earned my respect and gratitude for making me feel less lonely is this god forsaken manor my husband built."

"Thank you, Estrid." She took a deep breath and looked over at Anne who had her back leaning against one of the wooden walls, arms crossed. Her expression was blank but the pink scars that tainted her skin pulsed a bit more than usual. Turning back to the Queen, Victoria took a deep breath. "You didn't call us here for that did you?"

    Estrid turned her back on the two girls and walked towards the balcony that oversaw the stables and construction of the soon-to-be grand city. "No, I need you for something much darker. Jon has been consumed by his greed." She turned back to Victoria and Anne, eyes lit up with anger. "He has killed so many people on this island while trying to form peaceful relations. He's destroyed landmarks and is still claiming land that does not belong to him! And I know he's currently on a warpath for immortality. I can't let this continue."

    Anne and Victoria shared glances, knowing where this was leading. Pushing off her wall, Anne walked towards Estrid, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "What do you want us to do then? There are armies already formed to attack whoever tries to kill Jon or overthrow him."

    Estrid nodded in thought and closed the doors to the entrance of the room so the three women had some privacy. "Yes, and I've already thought about it. Despite what many people think, I'm not dumb and I know there's going to be an uprising soon. So what I'm thinking is that we join that uprising with our own army. Except, not all of us will be fighting. I want one of you to stay in the Manor when that day comes with some Shield Maidens by your side and take over the throne room." She turned to Anne and handed her a dagger. "I want that to be you since Victoria is already being trained to fight for my husband. I have a handful of warriors ready to stay behind with you." Next, she turned to Victoria. "As for you. I want you to keep training beside my husband's men. But the women you'll be commanding are aware that I want Jon gone, and they're willing to turn on him mid battle when you give the signal."

    Victoria nodded and took the sword that Estrid presented her with. "But what about the rebels? Surely they want someone of their own to take over, not you."

    Estrid tsk'd lightly. "That's why I need you to be on the battlefield. I know you're friends with a rebel. And I know he's a high ranking noble within this city. Maybe you can talk to him about putting me on the throne."

The redhead crossed her arms, chewing on her bottom lip in thought. "I can try. But I can't make any promises." That seemed to be enough for Estrid since she nodded in approval and sent the women on their way. When both Soul Riders had left, she summoned a servant and handed him a letter. "If you value your life and you're children's lives, I'd suggest you never mention anything about what you heard here today to anyone. Understood?"

"Yes my lady." He squeaked out, taking the letter and bowing. "Where do you want me to deliver this?"

"Good man. Take that to our messenger, and tell him to deliver it to my dear sister in Fort Maria. She'll know what to do." The servant ran out of the room and down to the courtyard quicker than humanly possible. When she was all alone, Estrid stared up at the banner that held her family's crest on it. A red ray from the setting sun hit it, lighting up the gold trim and embroidering. She smiled almost cruelly. "I hope you understand my love, but I'm just doing what I think is best for everyone, and our legacy."

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