Intro To The World

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I woke up in the forest. The screen from before popped up to tell me what was going on.

Screen: This world is slightly different than what you're familiar with. Luka died with his mother. So he's not in this world. Also you're here right before Luka would've started.

Me: Good to know. Anything else?

Screen: You will have goals set that you must accomplish. Here's your 1st:
-Meet and defeat Slime Girl

Me: Alright, let's do this.

I walked around and then ran into the Slime Girl.

Slime Girl: Ohohohoho! I've never seen you before! Who are you?

Me: From what I know, the world's only male monster.

Slime Girl: Hahahaha! You will be delicious!

Me: I don't think so.

Slime Girl: That's not very nice, won't you give me some of your semen?

Me: Nope. Let's fight.

Slime Girl: Hee hee hee...time to ea-


I punched her and she was sent flying everywhere. She wasn't able to recombine fully. I noticed I still had some blue slime on my fist.

Slime Girl: Aahhh! That hurt! Wha-what are you doing?

I licked the slime off my hand and ate it. I looked at her with a sharp tooth grin.

Me: Tastes sweet, like candy. I bet the rest of you tastes just as good.

She screamed and ran away. My screen popped up.

Screen: Slime Girl defeated! EXP gained! Level up! Goal accomplished!

Me: Alright, that's good.

Screen: New goals:
-Meet Alice
-Get her as a travel companion

Me: Well, time to start the story.

I walked around waiting for a loud crash, and eventually it came.

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