The Part Before The Bandits

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I checked my screen and saw I had leveled up more. Not surprised since I've already been in some fights. But something else came up.

Screen: Bonus! After getting your first BJ, you can now gain XP from banging  monster chicks! But be warned, since you're powerful in defense and attack you pretty much have no stamina and pass out instantly when having sex. That means you're left completely vulnerable if you decide to get it on.

Me:, still worth it. More XP means more level up which means more power.

Alice: What's that? I thought you couldn't do magic?

Me: Its just a thing that showed up when I appeared in this world. It keeps track of my power level and abilities. Also my weakness.

Alice: You have a weakness? What us it?

Me: Read this.

She did and laughed.

Alice: Well that explains last night. But since your semen is acidic I think you should be safe even if you are rendered unconscious.

Me: Yeah, but it's the kinda acid that burns but isn't too severe. Meaning whoever I'm with could still do something to me. Plus aren't there some monsters that would be immune? At least their outsides should be. As long as they don't get it on the inside they should be fine. That's the only reason you got burned right? Cause you got it in the mouth? You do have high defense right?

Alice: Of course! I wouldn't be the Monster Lord if I didn't now would I?

Me: Fair point. Let's just go and fix the honey problem the lady told us about.

As we passed by I heard some of the people day things about me.

Man: A monster protecting humans? Unbelievable.

Old Woman: These worthless people pretending to be heroes. This one monster was more heroic than all the "heroes" I've seen combined.

Prostitute: I wouldn't mind lending my services to him. Even if he is a monster.

Some of the shop owners tried to sell us stuff since it would look good for them if we did. But I declined since I didn't need anything from them. Then I saw the church.

Me: Alice, I just came up with a great idea.

Alice: What is it? Is it something foolish?

Me: I'm gonna take a sky piss on top the church.

Alice smiled.

Alice: That would be very amusing to see.

So I went up in the air and did exactly that. Then the priest came out and he didn't look happy.

Preist: How dare you! You dare commit such a vile act? Of course, what should be expected from your kind. You may have the rest of these people fooled, but you will not fool me!

Me: Breathe through your nose.

Preist: What?

I spat some non-fatal venom that solidified into sticky goo and it covered his mouth. Then I shot some spikes which pinned him against the wall by his clothes.

Me: Takes care of that.

Alice: I can tell traveling with you will be simultaneously amusing and annoying.

Me: Aww thanks!

Then cue Amira showing up, and I did not want to deal with her.

Me: Say what you need to say, only the important plot stuff. Or I'll rip off your legs and break all your teeth. I mean it. Also probably Slash your stomach open so your insides fall out.

Amira: Monster thieves. A vampire and a dragon.

Alice: That's odd, I've never heard monsters like that this far in the countryside.

Amira: Please, can you defeat the bandits?

Me: Sounds like a fun side quest. I'll do it.

Alice: Really? You serious? You're gonna listen to her?

Me: I said was doing this stuff for the thrills, so the more adventure I get the better. So where the hell do I go?

Amira: I don't know the exact position, but the bandits hideout should be to the west at the base of the mountain range. Thank you for accepting, bye!

She did her equivalent of running away.

Alice: Are you really gonna go? Can't it wait till after you fix the honey situation? I really want some of it.

Me: The bandits sound like they'd be easier to deal with. Just beat them up and be done with it. Who knows how long it'll take to fix the honey problem since we don't even know what the problem is. Plus it's my quest and I'll do what I want.

Alice: Ugh. Fine.

On our to the mountain we walked in awkward silence for a while. Before I finally decided to say something.

Me: Soooooo....considering how I did against Granberia, how do you think I'll do against the other 3 knights?

Alice: I'd say you'd be surprisingly on par, especially since you were able to break through Granberia's scales. But bringing into account your 1 weakness, I'd say Alma Elma might be a challenge. Also now that I think about it Erubetie could potentially overwhelm you with her clones.

Me: We'll see about that.

Suddenly there was a small earthquake and Alice disappeared. Then an Earthworm Girl popped out if the ground.

Earthworm Girl: I heard some rumors, and turns out they were true.

Me: Already know what your going to ask, and no. I'd rather have sex with a different monster.

Earthworm Girl: Excuse me? What's that supposed to mean?

Me: It means I don't wanna fuck you. I'd prefer the Slime or Slug Girl I ran into before.

Earthworm Girl: Hey! That's not very nice! What do they have that I don't?

Me: An attractive body.

Earthworm Girl got pissed at that and lunged at me. Apparently forgetting the spikes on my back when she tried to coil around me.

Earthworm Girl: Ouch! You know what? Not worth it.

She went back underground.

Alice: Well that's one way to avoid conflict.

Me: Yep. Who knew brutal honesty would be effective? And lucky for her and you I didn't have to harm her. Your little subject is fine. Mostly, a little venom rubbed off on her so she'll have some irritated skin. Let's continue!

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