Meeting Alice

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So Alice was just like in the game, purple and unconscious. I just stood there and waited.

Me: Come on, come on. Wake up. Wake up.

She opened her eyes and stood up.

Alice: Where am I?

Me: In a forest, outside of Illias Village.

Alice: I was sent to such a place, wait, are you a male monster?

Me: Yep, names Scales.

Alice: How is this possible?! Never in the history of monster kind has there been a male monster.

Me: I'm from another world! Both male and female monsters are things that exist there.

Alice: I did you arrive here?

Me: An opportunity presented itself and I wanted to go on an adventure. Well goodbye!

I turned around to walk away but she stopped me.

Alice: Where do you think you're going?

Me: On an adventure, not to be a hero necessarily, just for fun. I'm planning on traveling everywhere looking for stuff to do. Why you ask?

Alice: I was going to travel around the world as well, I might as well travel around with you.

Me: Alright! I got a traveling companion! Also remember how I said I'm from another world?

Alice: Yes.

Me: I also got a little bit of information on this world before I entered. I don't know everything, but I know enough. Your the Monster Lord nicknamed Alice, and a lot of heroes blindly worship the Illias bitch, all monsters here are female, they feed on semen, there are 4 knights and spirits each representing an element, etc.

Alice: So you are not an incompetent fool. Good to know.

Me: But like I said I don't know everything, I don't know every species of monster, and I don't know every single thing that's going to happen or has happened. But yeah, I know enough. Let's get started! To Illiasburg!

Alice: I agree, I would love to taste the Ama Ama Dango.

Me: I want to try some too! Let's go!

So we walked and I decided to make some small talk.

Me: fact, other female monsters I've seen don't eat semen.

Alice: Is that so, what do they eat?

Me: Depends on the species, some are predators that'll hunt and kill other living beings. Some are herbivores that are satisfied with plants. Others eat things that are normally not considered food, like metal for example. And also something that doesn't exist here called radiation.

Alice: Interesting, which are you?

Me: I'll hunt and kill if I have to, but I only ever just buy food. Though I may be more on the carnivorous side, I'm technically an omnivore.

Alice: I see, do you know magic?

Me: No. But I have other stuff I can do.  Wanna see?

She had disappeared and the Slug Girl appeared.

Slug Girl: A male monster? So the slime was telling the truth.  You'll be delicious.

Me: I don't think so, but I know you're still going to try. I'll let you have the 1st move.

Slug Girl: Excellent.

She tried to make a move, buuuuuut-

Slug Girl: Where's your penis?

Me: I'm a snake. I can hide them inside my body.

Slug Girl: What!? That's cheating! No matter, I'll give you a taste of my sticky mucus!

Me: Ok!

I bit into her torso. Despite her mucus being slippery, I was able to latch on.


I let go.

Me: Not bad, but I wonder how'd you taste cooked.

She ran away. Alice came out and looked at me like "what the fuck!?"

Me: I told you I'm mostly carnivorous,  and believe it or not that was me going easy. I didn't even inject any venom.

Alice: You proud of yourself? Harming an innocent monster?

Me: I did say I wasn't a hero, and I didn't kill or completely maul her. And I think I'm entitled to self-defense.

Alice: I suppose, just don't kill any of my subjects.

Me: I'll try, but if they force my hand, then I have no choice.

Alice: I'll ensure it doesn't come to that.

Me: Alright, sounds good. I'm hungry, imma hunt some animals. Don't expect any from me. You're a grown lamia, you can get your own food.

Alice's eyes lit up.

Alice: Get me food.

I shook my head.

Me: No. Don't try your hypnosis on me.

Alice: How are you immune!?

Me: Other world immunity.

I went off to hunt some animals and then met with Alice again.

Me: I'm good for now, you catch enough to satisfy you?

Alice: I'm satisfied for now.

Me: Right, I'm going to sleep. Good night.

Alice: Uh huh.

The next morning...

Alice: WAKE UP!!!

Me: Ugh...I'm up, I'm up. Let me get something to eat then we'll continue.

I caught a few small animals, not enough to satisfy me though.

Me: Let's go Alice! We should make it to Illiasburg today. Remember, the Ama Ama Dangooooooo...

Alice: Let's continue.

We ran into a big plant.

Me: Hey! It's the Mangodora! Imma eat her leaf.

I bit into her leaf and she came out of the ground and screamed. But it had no effect!

Me: You call that a scream? I'll show you a scream! No, I'll show you Killer Scream!

After that, she passed out. I ate the leaves on her head and then started walking away.

Alice: What was that?

Me: One of my special abilities, a musical skill where I can trap someone in a musical battle. I won't take any damage, but my opponent is hurt by my singing. My opponent can't even attack. And it's always guaranteed to defeat them. However due to it being overpowered I can use it 3 times a day. Now 2 since I used it for the Mangodora.

Alice: It's pronounced Mandragora. And did you really need to uproot her?

Me: I wanted something to eat, and her leaves were there. And it's not like it hurts her. She can just regrow it. Anyways, we're almost at Illiasburg, if we keep up this pace without running into any more monsters we should make it before nightfall.

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