Scales Vs. Granberia

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So we finally made it to Illiasburg. I prepared for trouble in the form of a dragon lady.

Me: Well, let's go get some Ama Ama Dango!

Alice: About time.

We entered the city and it was mostly empty. Except for a certain swordswoman and some chumps she beat up.

Granberia: How boring. Is there not a single strong person in this entire city?

Oh man, should I make myself known now? Or wait till she monologues a little more? Fuck it. Imma do it now.

Me: I think I'm pretty strong, strong enough to put up a good fight at least.

Granberia and the soldiers turned to look at me.

Granberia: Who are you?

Me: Scales, male monster from another world! But for now, call me your opponent!

Granberia: You wish to be a hero and defend these humans?

Me: Nah, I just wanna fight you for fun! I'm not taking no for an answer. You 3, go on and get!

They ran off while I stood to confront her.

Granberia: Very well. Give me your best shot!

She raised her sword and prepared to fight. I launched a barrage of spikes and spat a stream venom at her but she disappeared. I was anticipating that and spun around and hit her with my tail as she came up from behind me.

Granberia: Not bad, most wouldn't expect me to attack from behind. But don't think one attack is enough to defeat me.

She raised her sword and brought it down, but I caught it in my claws and tried to pull it out of her hands but she would not let go.

Granberia: You can not separate a knight from her sword so easily.

She lit the sword on fire and I spat venom at her. The fire had little affect but my venom hit Granberia inches eyes. Temporarily blinding her.

Granberia: AH! MY EYES!

Me: Stings, doesn't it?

I managed to get in a few punches, but Granberia must've trained while blinded because after a few hits she started attacking right back. Even with high durability I still felt her hits.

Me: Still want more? That's fine by me.

I used my tail to grab her and flew into the sky. I threw her up higher so she'd land with more force but she apparently also had control over air and used it to make herself fly.

Granberia: I see now you are much more than I thought you were. Prepare for this fight to get a lot harder.

She managed to call down lighting and electrocuted me.

Me: Alright fine. You wanna use special moves? Well 2 can play at that game!

I spun around and launched poisonous spikes everywhere.

Me: Spike Spin Attack!

Granberia deflected all of them with her flaming sword and was about to slash at me but I aimed at her side and stung her with my tail at the same time she hit my wing. Even though it didn't hurt the hit caused me to stop flapping and we both were falling. We crashed and made a huge crater. I was mostly ok, I just needed to rest my wing. Granberia on the other hand had blood and venom dripping out from where I stung her. The veins around that area were turning an unhealthy shade of green.

Alice: How did you do that!?

Guess she decided enough was enough.

Me: Well...I just went for it. No real strategy, I never received any formal training like she apparently did. So I just went with whatever came to mind.

Alice: She is one of the 4 Heavenly Knights! One of the best monsters to ever wield a sword! You shouldn't even be standing!

Me: Well, considering I'm this world's only male monster. I'm just someone who makes the unexpected happen.

Granberia slowly got up while holding her side.

Granberia: Y-you!

Even in her poisoned weakened state, she managed to bow down to Alice.

Alice: Granberia, what are you doing? Who ordered you to do such a thing?

Me: Hey princess, you talking about the fight or the city takeover? Be specific.

She glared at me, then turned her attention back to Granberia.

Alice: Just in case I'm not clear, I am referring to the takeover of this city.

Granberia: I-

She winced.

Granberia: -decided by myself. To get rid of those annoying heroes, I-

Alice: Go away.

She didn't call her annoying. Guess she decided to go easy since I beat her up.

Granberia: B-but! If I leave now, even more heroes will show up.

Alice: I told you to go away. If you go berserk like this, how am I going to eat the Ama Ama Dango? Additionally, you have been poisoned and are in no condition to fight.

Granberia: If you want something like that, just let me take control of the city first. And this is nothing, I've received much more severe injuries before.

Alice: How can I sightsee with such an unsightly event like that going out? Also while that may be true, poison is still poison. Having to say the same things repeatedly, is that how you show your loyalty? I told you to go away.

Granberia: At once, if it's your will. But may I say something to him first?

Alice: Go ahead, but make it quick.

She nodded.

Granberia: I've never fought a strong male quite like you before.

Me: Thanks. I take that as a compliment considering your status.

Granberia: I would like to battle with you again sometime. What do say?

Me: I'll be ready when time comes. Also if your wondering, the stuff I injected you with should wear off on its own by the end of the day. Just get some rest, eat and drink something, don't do any extreme actions, and you should be fine. Also maybe clean the wound, just some general advice.

Granberia nodded and teleported away.

Me: I had fun, but I'm not gonna be flying for a bit.

Alice: You really are something to behold.

Man: she gone? That monster, did she run away!?

Woman: Those 2 over there! I get it, the green one fought her and the purple one drove her away!

The humans ran out there houses and surrounded us. Making me slightly uncomfortable.

Me: Could you please...give us some space?

Man: Thank you! A little bit longer and this would've been a monster city!

Woman: Even though you're both monsters, you drove her away! How did you do it?

Me: Eh, I wanted to fight, and I got one. It was just for fun. As for the princess here, she can be very convincing.

After thanking us, everyone went back to their normal routine.

Me: Well that was a thing that happened. A weird one too.

Alice: I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised. By the way, Citizen A over there, I want to ask you something.

Cit. A: Citizen A? Me? How can I be called "Citizen A" when I have such a magnificent name as Cervantes!

Alice: I don't really care. Where is the Sutherland Inn?

Cit. A: Ah, just head to the west from hereand you'll see it. It's such an incredibly old inn, it will stick out.

Me: Thanks for that. Alice, let's go.

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