Nerfed and The Bandits

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This fic isn't dead! Just been busy with other fics.

As we were heading towards the bandits, a notification popped up.

Screen: Your acidic semen is being nerfed! It will now only affect certain monsters. Most of them will be able to have their way with you and won't be stopped! Have fun guessing which will be affected! Though I will say Alice is no longer affected, so good luck with that! Also hypnosis attacks now temporally stun instead of having no affect! Congrats! And finally! Aphrodisiacs force you to whip them out! They don't have same affect if you were human, but they will leave you open. That's all for now!

Me: Huh. I guess that makes sense. That little ability does seem to be to OP for this sorta world. And it shouldn't bother me too much since I'm not defenseless if they decide to try something even if I say no.

Alice popped up next to me to read the screen.

Alice: Well if that's the case that means you will be servicing me next time I get hungry.

Me: Fine. Whatever.

What took Luka hours took us a few minutes due to flight. We arrived at the mountains.

Me: Well here we are!

Alice: This huge mountain range will take forever to search.

Me: I'll just fly around until I spot something. You can wait here if you want, or if you want this to get done faster you can help search.

Just then the Goblin Girl appeared.

Goblin: Yai! Give me your money!

I stared at her, I already who she was but seeing it in person was something else entirely.

Me: So you're one of the bandits, huh?

Goblin: Indeed! I'm the Goblin Bandit of The Four Bandits!

I couldn't hold it in anymore. I burst out laughing.


I fell to the ground, Little Goblin Junior looked angry and started blushing.

Goblin: Stop laughing! That's not very nice!

Me: Sorry! It's just, your one of the big bad bandits!? You're just a little kid! You're not a threat at all!

Goblin: Yes I am! I'm The Goblin Bandit of the Earth!

Me: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! SURE YOU ARE! I bet your also a Queen, or maybe one of the 4 Heavenly Knights?

At this point she was jumping up and down and flailing her arms.


Me:(takes deep breath) Ok, listen. I'm not gonna beat up a little kid playing pretend. So just show me where your hideout is.


It had no affect....

Me: Really?

Goblin: TAKE THIS!!!!

She slowly swung her hammer at me, I just grabbed it and tossed it away.

Goblin: Waaaaaaah!!! No fair!!! You cheated!!!

She was sobbing.

Me: Listen. You're young, you still need practice and experience. I'm sure you can become a good fighter eventually, you just need time and patience. And practice, lots and lots of practice. And since you're a kid, I'm guessing the others are too?

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