When You Miss Him- Part 2

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Don't forget to play the music :)

"Hello, y/n, love," he softly greeted, his eyes sparkling. "Did you miss me?"

Heart hammering, I had to gulp several times to find my voice. "Are you real?" I hesitantly croaked out, relishing in his mellow touch. At this, he couldn't help but giggle.

That laugh. It has been so long since I had the fortune to hear it.

"Of course, I'm real, bae," he chuckled as he lightly pinched my cheek. "I know you haven't seen my handsome face in so long, so you'd obviously think that this type of beauty is unreal,"

That was definitely something that he would say!

He sighed as his face smoothly transform from cheerfulness to one of deep worry. His hands moved down from my face to wrap around my waist as he pulled me close to him. My face hit the woolly linen of his shirt and I nuzzled my face onto the crook of his neck.

"Oh, y/n, I'm so glad that you're awake," he murmured as he soothingly ran his fingers through the strands of my hair. "You were crying and whimpering in your sleep so much that I was completely helpless with worry,"

However, I wasn't listening to a word he was saying. I was too busy relishing on how amazing it felt to once more wrap my arms around his neck, to rest my cheek against his broad chest and to breath in his cinnamon-sweet scent. "You're back. You're actually back!" I cried in joy almost on the verge of sobbing happy tears.

I sniffled as I felt his embrace around me tighten. "Yes, my love." He softly said as he kissed the side of my head. "I'm here to stay with you forevermore,"

While still remaining in his arms, I briefly pulled back to meet his gaze with a confused one. "But how?" I asked him bewildered. "You weren't supposed to be back for another 2 weeks,"

"I know," he admitted as he tenderly took my hands in his own warm ones. "But I took on extra work than which was required of me to take on for a day and I ended up finishing all my tasks within a span of 3 weeks," he explained which left me further in the dark.

"But why?" I asked.

He gave an endearing smile. "Isn't it obvious?" he teased before chuckling. "I wanted to come back to you as fast as I could. I wanted to surprise you today,"

"When did you get here?" I further questioned him.

He bit his plump lip as he thought over it, "Around half an hour ago, perhaps?" he replied with a smile before adding. "As soon as I entered the house, I first came into your room," he grinned before pointing towards the shut doorway.

It was hard to see in the dark but I could make out the figure of what appeared to be a suitcase standing by the door.

"Oh," I said while nodding in the direction of my bedroom door..

"Well, I answered your questions," he gently turned my face to him instead of his suitcase by the door. "Now you have to answer mine," he said as his eyes glistened in the dark. "Why were you crying so hard in your sleep?" he directly asked me causing me to look down and chew on my lip.

"I-I had a nightmare," I mumbled as vaguely as I could. I felt long, elegant fingers slip themselves under my chin to lift my face to meet the familiar crescent gaze. "About?" Jin prompted as he tilted his head at me to listen intently.

I guiltily looked away.

How could I tell the truth?

How could I admit to being such an emotional mess over the past few weeks when I was supposed to be strong for him?

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