Sleepover With Your Childhood Friend (Requested)

105 16 119

Dedicated to @Yeahidonthavethink

Play the music!

The rain pounded against the roof of your car which was dripping with water while the cackles of thunder rumbled on for miles around the ghostly road.

Gripping the edges of the steering wheel tightly, you struggled to see past the multitude of crystal rain droplets which streaked down your windshield one after the other, while the wipers which were adjusted to maximum speed, strained themselves away as they did a failing job of bringing clarity to your vision.

The entire atmosphere was gloomy and dark surrounded with the thick fog and this included the atmosphere inside your vehicle with only the dim lights of your dashboard softly illuminating your vision.

You felt yourself shudder as the freezing cold air started to attack you, however since it was necessary for your hands to occupy the wheel, you found yourself, unfortunately, being unable to wrap your arms tightly against your chest to generate some source of heat to stop your chattering teeth.

The calming melody which swam through the radio a couple of hours was long gone. It had changed into a series of ear-piercing and metallic statistics as soon as you had entered the pouring and horrendous rain.

Sighing in frustration, you reached one hand out, while keeping your gaze locked firmly on the winding paths that went through the forest, to turn off the annoying screeches and decided to shut off the air conditioning instead.

Just as you were going to rejoice in the sudden decrease in the chill, you suddenly started to feel something drip onto the top of your head. Horrified, you glanced up only to find fresh droplets of ice cold rain dripping down from between the minor cracks of your shut door. "Just great!" you grumbled as you clenched your teeth every single time a rain drop landed on your head.

There was another rumble of heart-leaping thunder before you felt your car give an abrupt heave making you jerk so high from your seat, that your head collided with the the ceiling. 

"Ow!" you winced as your hand flew to rub comfortingly at your throbbing head while you foot slammed down on the brakes. 

The car gave an alarming yet unexpected row of rattles and clangs before dragging itself into a slow halt. "What the heck is wrong with this thing?" you wondered out loud as you pondered over the meaning of the unusual sounds of your car. 

Praying that it hadn't broken down or anything, you pushed your foot against the accelerator hoping for it to start with a rumble yet it once again, gave the same alarming metallic sound and refused to move an inch.

A feeling of sheer dread started to consume you as you stared blankly at the softly illuminated dashboard. You tried again and again to get your vehicle to function but it stubbornly refused to hear your pleas.

 "Oh God, no!" you muttered frightened while reaching out to unbuckle your seatbelt before stepping into the torrential rain outside. As soon as you had stepped foot outside, the cruel and berating rain wasted no time with drenching your once dry clothes to your skin and trickling itself down your dripping wet hair.

Knowing not what exactly you were doing, you walked rounds around your vehicle, desperately trying to find out the cause and possibly a solution to the sudden breakdown. But you failed to find any.

Growling in fury, you couldn't help but give a flying kick to the hard tire but soon after you started to wince as the sharp pain shot up your toe despite you wearing a pair of sneakers.

"I need to find some help," you sighed after taking a few deep breaths and pulling out your phone to search through your many contacts. As you scrolled down your unlimited list, there were no results related to any mechanics in your contacts to your dismay.

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