Period Cramps(Requested)

153 18 85

A/N: This chapter is insanely long so it's alright to take your time with the reading or to even take some breaks

Play the music!

You jerked awake from your deep slumber as the car came to a steady halt . Confused, you blinked a few times, your eyes adjusting themselves to the afternoon light before straining your neck to look out through the crystal window panes. You were relieved to be met with the familiar surroundings of the driveway to your house.

The sharp snap of the seatbelt being unbuckled followed suite from the driver's seat beside you, causing you to face its direction. Looking straight ahead with an exhausted look in his eyes, Jin's broad shoulders relaxed from its long held tension as he released a deep and heavy sigh before he turned to face your way.

He reached out towards you to softly hold your hand -which had been resting in your lap- in his own large and warm one. "Y/n, how are you feeling now?" he asked, his eyes brooding with worry and voice clenched in mild anxiety.

You slowly drew in a deep breath and relaxed your lungs with a soft exhale as you gave a small nod followed by a reassuring smile. "I feel a bit better," you said, squeezing his hand back soothingly. "The nap did me well but I think I need to go inside and lie down for a bit,"

Truth be told, you were saying something to Jin which was far off from the truth. You didn't feel better at all. You only said that to calm his already shaken heart and your own broke to see him so vulnerable whenever you were going through any kind of discomfort. Within you, waves of aches and soreness were washing over your body, your head mildly throbbed and your stomach churned with the horrible feeling of nausea.

Neither you nor Jin was quite sure of what was going on with you. Strangely enough, you were doing just perfectly fine a few hours ago in the morning when you both were enjoying a romantic weekend date.

 However, during the middle of your stroll, your body had started to go sore by the second. You tried your best to ignore it and carry on with your day as you didn't want to ruin the special day  by any chance.

But you soon reached the point where your body aches could be ignored no more. Obviously, Jin, your ever so observant boyfriend did not fail to notice. Ever since he had helped you back into the car, his mind has had no rest whatsoever as it raced to figure out what was happening to you. Were you in some serious danger? Were you going to be okay?

You tried your hardest to calm his whizzing mind down with your gentle words and affirmations but he chose to ignore all of them and only listen to his intuition which was telling him to protect you at any cost. Eventually, you ended up dozing off during the long ride back home.

Now that you were awake, you were unpleasantly greeted with the numbing soreness once again which you tried to cover up with a fake smile.

Jin's hand which was placed lightly on yours, moved over to gracefully unbuckle your seatbelt from around your waist. "Yes, let's go inside and get you some rest," he agreed, his tone heavy. "If you don't start to feel better by evening, I'll take you to see a doctor," he promised to which you smiled and nodded.

"Now, are you fit enough to walk?" he kindly asked, gentle gaze starting into you. "Would you like for me to carry you inside?" you couldn't help but giggle at his sincere offering. "Don't worry, Jin," you chuckled, eyeing him teasingly. "It's only a couple of steps till we're inside. I can make it,"

Jin too looked away and chuckled while blushing, "Okay then," he said before opening the door and swiftly getting down and you copied him soon after.

Holding onto the railings to prevent yourself from stumbling over at any rate, you started to ascend the stairs which led to yours and Jin's shared bedroom. But something felt off, not only did the feeling of extreme nausea get stronger, you couldn't ignore, however, the stinging feeling which was slowly starting to spread itself across your lower abdomen as you mounted each step.

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