him as your professor husband scenario (requested)

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A/N: As per the reader's request, Jin is your professor husband in this scenario.

It was a quiet and peaceful night in the big city of Seoul. The air hummed with the soft sounds of crickets chirping amongst the dark bushes and the town seemed to twinkle and glisten with its bright lights and neon signs.

You found yourself that night in one of the city's luxurious apartments that you shared with your husband Jin. As you put on your fuzzy sky-blue pajamas decorated with tiny white angel prints, you didn't forget to slip your feet into the comfy and wooly duckling slippers. Pleased that you were finally ready for bed, you gazed at the wide and spacious room feeling lonely standing in the midst of it.

You were missing your husband by your side. You frowned slightly remembering that when you came through the door that evening, you had spotted him busy in his home office with some heavy paperwork. He welcomed you with a loving embrace and a sweet kiss on your forehead and apologized for being so busy but promised to make it up to you somehow.

You've been hoping that your husband would walk in through the door ready to join you in bed by the time you had finished taking your evening bath, but you supposed that you had expected too much. You decided to go downstairs and check up on how he was doing, for as per your calculations, he must have been working for almost four hours by now.

Shuffling down the stairs, you were met with the soft rustle of papers coming from the home office that had the door slightly ajar. Pausing to stand by the doorway, you peeked in quietly to see your husband at his desk drowning in a pool of work. The giant mahogany desk was piled with stacks of papers. By their side sat a half-filled coffee mug and behind the desk was Jin holding his forehead as he busily marked the papers with a red pen.

He hadn't noticed your presence for how deeply engrossed he was in his work, but you didn't mind. You smiled and felt a soft blush spread across your cheeks as you admired how attractive he looked even when he was stressed out with work. 

His jet-black hair was swept back revealing his smooth forehead, a pair of black glasses perched on the bridge of his nose, and the soft glow of the desk lamp underlined his chiseled features and the edges of his razor-sharp jawline. He was clad in a silk black shirt that hugged his athletic build perfectly with its sleeves rolled up to his elbows to reveal his sturdy and large arms. The black shirt accentuated his most flattered feature; his broad shoulders, for they appeared to be so broad that it could take up the width of his chair. 

You wondered what have you ever done to be so blessed with such a man. You even wondered whether he was actually real or just an illusion, but the gleaming ring of gold which he wore proudly on his ring finger served to reassure you that he was indeed yours and you were his.

When he reached over the desk to grab his mug of coffee for a quick sip did he notice you standing so innocently by the doorway.  Upon seeing your radiant face and your beautiful figure cuddled up in the sweet baby-blue pajamas that you loved so much, he couldn't help but let his lips break out in an endearing smile.

"Hello, my lovely angel," he crooned, his voice sounding a little exhausted and sleep deprived but it carried pure love and sincere happiness at getting to catch a glimpse of your sweet face amid his tiring work. He gestured to you with a sweet smile. "Come in, my love. You don't have to stand by the doorway, you know."

You giggled at his welcoming nature before you stepped into his office to stand by his side. Jin turned his chair to face you before wrapping an arm around your waist to pull you closer to him, guiding you to take a seat on his lap. "Come to me, my love. There we go." he sighed happily as he pulled you closer to him on his lap.

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