Amusement Park and the Rain (Requested)

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As the Ferris Wheel cart steadily ascended its way to the top with little paced creaks, you and Jin found yourselves right at the pinnacle, overlooking a sunset painted with a vibrant blend of rose, red, orange, and gold.

You let out a soft gasp and giggled as your eyes twinkled with delight. You were completely mesmerized by the magical and almost fairytale landscape stretched out before you. Amidst the colorful blends of twilight rays, you saw the tiny black silhouettes of an array of birds fluttering toward the setting golden sun. 

From your elevated point of view, you could see the whole amusement park below, bathed in the warm, ethereal glow of the twilight haze. The twinkling lights of the attractions and rides illuminated the night, and you could see people scattered below you as they sprinted from one attraction to the next filled with merry laughter.

Sighing dreamily, you leaned your head to rest against Jin's chest, feeling the pace of his steady heartbeat against your cheek. "Just look at that view, Jin" you exclaimed with a soft smile. "Have you ever seen anything more breathtaking and beautiful than this?"

You felt Jin's arm gently wrap its way around your waist, before drawing you closer to him. Reaching out, he gently brushed the stray bangs from your forehead before gazing deeply into your eyes with a soft smile. "Yes," he whispered, his tone warm and full of affection. "Yes, I have."

You felt your heart simply melt into a puddle at his sweet and affectionate words as you leaned in closer to his soothing touch. Pulling you even closer to his embrace, Jin pressed a tender kiss to your forehead, his soft lips lingering against your skin.

As the Ferris wheel began its slow descent, the distant sound of excitement and laughter drifted up to them, followed by a gentle salty breeze blowing against their faces from the overlooking sea.


After the romantic Ferris wheel ride came to an end, you and Jin found yourselves taking the winding path through the woods back home. Just then, the first few drops of rain started sprinkling down over the both of you, casting a refreshing mist and a sense of liveliness to the woods. 

As soon as the first few drops started raining down on you, Jin wasted no time shrugging himself off from his coat before draping it gently yet securely around your shoulders, making sure to pull the coat over your head so that you're well-shielded from the weather.

"Wow!" Jin chuckled, as he wrapped both himself and the coat around your body protectively. "This was unexpected."

"Yeah, I know right?" you giggled, graciously holding on to his coat, relishing in his soft and homely scent that cocooned you. "Jin, you'll get wet!" you exclaimed worriedly, trying to remove the coat and return it to him, yet Jin wouldn't let you do so, only tightening his hold around your shoulders protectively.

"Shh, sweetheart. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine" he gently reassured you. "But we have to find shelter soon, before the rain worsens."

With that, he extended his hand to you with a sweet smile. "Shall we, baby?" he offered, his dark hair slightly beginning to dampen and causing his bangs to stick to his forehead.

Nodding with a soft smile, you placed your hand in his, before he tightly wrapped his fingers around yours, giving them a soft squeeze. Hand in hand, the both of you dashed through the light drizzle.

As the both of you got closer and closer towards home, the rain intensified, urging the two of you to seek shelter under a giant oak tree nearby, its branches forming a safe solace from the downpour.

With the two of you slightly out of breath and panting from the little sprint through the rain, the two of you giggled joyously, your laughter bubbling through the rain-soaked air. Wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you closer, Jin cradled your head to his chest as if you're the most precious thing in the world for him.

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