Chapter 13

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Aerea sat on the ledge in her parents' chambers with Daemon for breakfast the next morning while Rhaenyra stood to Aerea's side, braiding her hair. Aerea always loved when her mother would play with her hair. It was something special to only them, instead of her having to share another moment with her brothers. Daemon twirled Aerea's odd daggers around, completely fascinated by the design.

Her mind was a million miles away as she stared off into the sky. All that played in her head was her last encounter with Aemond and how she was terrified of him. But what terrified her most was her uncertainty of her guilt. Telling him about the kiss felt like a death sentence.

"Will we be seeing you at supper tonight or do you plan on sneaking into one of your uncles' chambers once more?" Daemon raised his eyebrow, studying his daughter's face.

"Yes, I will be at supper, father." She scrunched her face and rolled her eyes.

"You know if the queen hears of this, she'll tell the king." Rhaenyra added.

"Fuck the queen." Aerea grumbled, crossing her arms as she pouted. Rhaenyra swatted the back of Aerea's head.

"Don't speak like that. If anyone hears you,-." Rhaenyra exclaimed.

"Mother, we are in your chambers. Just the three of us. If the queen does hear that, then I know who to blame." Aerea smirked, hopping down from the ledge when Rhaenyra released the last braid. "I will be at supper and on my best behavior. As for my uncles, you need not worry. I am marrying Ser Leo and only Ser Leo."

With that, she took her daggers from her father and left them behind with somehow even more questions than answers. Daemon gave a worried look to Rhaenyra, who seemed just as concerned.

"So both of them now?" Rhaenyra asked.

"Yes, I'm afraid Aegon might be the least of our worries between the two. I'll keep a close eye on Aemond and Leo, my love." Daemom nodded.

"You know you don't need to watch out for all three of them. Leo, I believe we can trust. Arry seems protective of the boy." Rhaenyra said.

"I still don't like him." He turned his head away, scoffing with his arms crossed.

"You will never like any man that sees her."

"She's my daughter. I won't just give her away like property."

"You had no problem with me arranging Baela and Rhaena's marriages."

"That's different and you know that."

"Yes, but I think it might be time that you accept that our daughter is nearly a woman grown."

He turned back to face her with a defeated sigh. "Yes, but she is still my little girl."

Across the castle, Aerea laid in the Godswood reading, trying to escape from everyone. She flipped through the pages that told the stories of all the former kings. Part of her was excited to see her mother's name be a part of one of these books one day as Queen, but then it reminded her that one day she would sit the throne as well. She didn't feel she was good enough to lead the realm one day. A dragonless Targaryen who couldn't save her betrothed in combat. It felt like a joke to her that she was heir at this point.

She shut the book closed and groaned in frustration, turning to lie on her back with her eyes searching the skies for any answers. Would it be so terrible if she ran away? If she left and Jace became the heir instead? But she couldn't leave her family behind. Especially with the greens trying to sink their claws into them. It was her job as the first born to protect her little brothers and even her parents and cousins.

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