Chapter 35

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Later that evening, Aerea sat waiting in her chambers for Aemond to return. The feast was just about to begin, but he was nowhere to be found once again. She was just about to go search for him just as Dyana waltzed in holding a box that was almost larger than her.

"Princess Aerea, her majesty has requested you wear this for the feast tonight." Dyana smiled as she dropped the box onto the table. Aerea lifted the top, inspecting the gown curiously as she pulled it out. It was a simple, yet beautiful off shoulder white gown with floor length sleeves that opened at her elbow. At the bottom of the box underneath the gown was a white corset with gold embroidery all throughout it. "Oh! Also, Prince Aemond had this sent for you as well."

Dyana rummaged through her pockets, pulling out a ring. Aerea's eyes were wide as she looked over the silver ring with a sapphire sat at the center, surrounded by small diamonds. Dyana couldn't contain the smile on her face as she bit her lip in anticipation.

"He thought you might wear it tonight." Dyana beamed as she slid the ring onto the princess' finger. "Now quickly, we must get you dressed!"

Dyana didn't give Aerea another moment to react as she rushed with dressing her. Once she slipped into the gown, the young handmaiden tied the corset onto her tightly. She didn't even mind the yanking as she just admired the ring on her left hand. It was beautiful. A piece of him she could always carry wherever she went. Much like the ring on her other hand. Luke was right. She'd found a love and happiness she'd never expected to find and it was with Aemond.

Daemon strutted in, dressed in his traditional all black getup while clutching Dark Sister at his side. "Ah, my beautiful girl. There you are. Come, you're late. "

Aerea blushed at her father's admiration and took his hand as he led her to the great hall. He took notice of the sapphire that decorated her finger and he internally rolled his eyes, knowing exactly who would give her something like that. She caught the narrow of his eyes towards her hand and smirked. "Be nice, father."

Daemon rolled his eyes as they stopped just in front of the closed doors to the hall. He turned towards her, giving a weak smile as he lifted up his arm for her to take. "Ready?"

"For?" She arched a brow as she took his arm, but he never answered. He just grinned as the doors opened, revealing everyone in their seats except for 2 people stood in front of the head table. Aemond and the septon. All eyes were on her as she leaned over to her father to whisper. "What in seven hells is everyone looking at me for?"

"Your mother thought it best your marriage be legitimized before all the great houses." He whispered as he led her towards Aemond. Once he released her arm and took his spot next to Rhaenyra, Aemond draped a black cloak with silver trim over her shoulders with a broad grin. Her eyebrows were furrowed with confusion as they proceeded with their vows once more.

Just as it was time for their kiss, he pulled her close and whispered against her lips. "No more headaches for us."

The applause and cheers were thunderous, but neither heard a thing as their lips entangled. His hands gently cupped her cheeks as hers rested on his neck. He was the first to pull away, but kept his eye locked in on hers. Her cheeks blushed deeply as she bit her lip to stifle her smile, but it was useless.

The feast went on and everyone danced, drank and celebrated the war ending. Rhaenyra sat next to Daemon, laughing as they both drank throughout the evening. Jace stood off to the sides with his new close friend, Lord Stark, and they snuck mocking comments on the lords and ladies dancing in front of them. Corlys held Rhaenys' hand with a proud grin as they remained seated. And Aerea thought her head was spinning the more and more she danced with Aemond.

He refused to let anyone else hold her that evening. She was his rightfully and he swore he'd never let her go. After many twirls and spins, he finally took her hand and led her out the hall.

"Aemond, where are we going?" She whispered as they snuck down a hidden stairwell.

"We'll call it another wedding present." He smiled as they set foot into the dimly lit crypts. He led her right up to Balerion's skull and turned, giving her a small grin. "I think I'll give you some privacy with"

With that, he was gone and Aerea was left even more confused than earlier. She turned back to face Balerion and nearly dropped to her knees. Standing before her with a smirk was Leo. She threw her arms around him and laughed through the tears blooming in her eyes. "Seven hells, what are you doing here?"

"I came to say goodbye...I think your new husband is more than capable of taking care of you, though I doubt you'd need it." He grinned, brushing a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Where will you go?" She asked.

"Well, I've heard I'll always have an open invitation in Dorne...Prince Qoren has been quite a...generous host." The joke danced in his eyes, which she was quick to notice. Her eyebrow arched with a mocking smile. "Oh, shut it."

She laughed, embracing him one last time, but he pulled her back.

"There's someone I've...stumbled into along the way, who wanted to see you today...uh...just..." Leo grabbed her shoulders and turned her to the side. The air caught in the back of her throat as her chest tightened up.

"You didn't think I'd miss my little girl's wedding now, did you?" Laenor smiled brightly, still stripped of his silver locks.

"Father!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around him in an instant. "What are you doing here?! If anyone sees you-."

"It's alright, little one. I had to see you one last time. Ser Leo told me stories of a brave warrior, princess and I knew that had to be my little Aerea." His smile still shined the way it did the last time she saw him as a child. "And words of an unburnt princess spread quickly."

Her cheeks flushed under his admiration. His hand held her cheek gently while he looked over her. She'd grown so much since he'd last seen her. Standing before him truly was a Rogue Princess he once helped raise. Though he always knew she wasn't his child, he always held a place in his heart just for her.

"He's a good man, you know." Laenor nodded and she smiled.

"I know, father." The words warmed his heart as he embraced her once more. Laenor would always be her father as well as Daemon. He raised her the first ten years of her life as his own, always supporting her and loving her when it was not his place to.

"Now go. Any longer and someone might come looking for you, my dear." Laenor kissed her forehead before slipping into the shadows. She turned to give Leo one last embrace then made her way back up to the hall.

She couldn't contain her smile or the joy that radiated from her. Everything was perfect. Everyone was happy. Everything was the way it was supposed to be.

Aemond stood by the door waiting for her when he saw her practically dancing up the hall towards him. When she caught up to him, he was taken back by her grabbing the back of his neck and pulling him in for a deep kiss. Her other hand rested on his jaw with her thumb stroking his cheek lightly. His hands slid to her waist, pulling her against his chest.

"I love you, Aemond Targaryen." She whispered against his lips.

"And I love you, Aerea Targaryen." He smiled.

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