Chapter 17

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Aerea paced back and forth through her chambers, trying to process what transpired that morning with Aemond. She had tried to find him, but he wasn't in his chambers. All she could think of was his lips on hers. His warm touch against her bare skin. The way his eye softened the moment he kissed her. What she couldn't understand is why she wanted more from him.

It didn't make any sense to her. The whole point of her marrying Ser Leo was to escape from Aemond, but she wanted nothing more than to be with Aemond at that moment. She wanted answers from him and even from herself. Why did she let him kiss her? Why did it feel so natural for them? And why did she want more?

After all, it was Aemond. The same person who swore to harm her brother for his own revenge. The same person who did nothing but get under her skin whenever he had the chance. The same man that brought her flowers as an apology. The same man who encouraged her in battle just the night prior. It didn't make sense.

"Are we ready finally?" Daemon asked as he walked in and saw his daughter break away from her deep thoughts. "Having second thoughts?"

"Oh, uh no...I just...Viserys won't be in attendance." Which technically wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the cause of her scrambled state. "I guess I'd always imagined he'd be there for me when my day came."

"Ah, I see." He sighed, taking her into his arms and holding her tightly. "I'm sure he wishes he could be there, little one. You always were his favorite."

She rolled her eyes and laughed. "Mother is his favorite. The whole realm knows it."

"Maybe so, but in any case, I'm afraid it's time for you to join your guests for the welcoming feast." He weakly smiled before she took his arm for him to lead her down to the great hall. As they approached the doors, he noticed her body tense up and her breathing starting to slow. He leaned over to her ear and whispered, "Show them the dragon that will one day lead them, little one."

She smiled up at him and took a deep breath.

"Prince Consort, Daemon Targaryen, and his stepdaughter, Princess Aerea Velaryon." The guard announced as the two strutted in with their heads held high. Aerea kept her eyes focused on her chair, fearing if she broke her eye contact she'd fold right in front of the entire realm. She took her place in between Daemon and Leo, who seemed like he was already drunk before the feast even began.

"Should I be concerned?" Aerea mumbled to her betrothed.

"Only if you look to your right." Leo sighed, arching his eyebrow towards the table in question. She turned and scanned the table for whoever he was talking about, but then froze at the sight of a smirking man dressed in a yellow robe with an orange tunic hidden underneath.

"What is he doing here?" She asked, clutching tightly onto the arms of her chair.

"The crown is not at war with his men. Just us and your grandfather." He forced a tight smile and held his wine cup up in a mocking cheers before downing it all in one go. "Who still seems to not be in attendance. Either one."

"Viserys is not well, I'm afraid." She said.

"And what of your precious Aemond?" He hiccuped, causing her head to snap towards him. He waved his hand at her with a grin. "I saw him go to your chambers this morning. It's no coincidence no one's seen the boy since."

"Seven fucking hells, could you keep it down?" She hissed, gripping onto his arm tightly. "Just get through tonight and you can go be with Maelon when it is over."

Alicent stood with her cup raised, causing the hall to go silent. "Be welcome as we join together in celebration. Tonight is only its beginning. Tonight we celebrate the union of Princess Aerea Velaryon and Ser Leo Harrold."

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