Chapter 33

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"Still no word from your brother?" Alicent asked Aegon, who was toying with his father's dagger while sitting on the Irone Throne.

"Afraid not, mother. Perhaps he's finally switched sides after his endless pining for our niece." Aego grumbled, enraged by the thought of his brother defying his orders.

"I've heard word that the princess escaped with the help of one of her handmaidens, Your Grace. Dyana, I believe the girl's name was." Otto added, causing Aegon and Alicent to exchange a knowing look.

The doors swung open with Aemond marching right in with his head held high and hand resting on the pommel of his sword. He bowed his head to his brother with his jaw clenched. "Your Grace."

"And just where have you been, brother?" Aegon arched his brow at his brother.

"I'd gone after the princess, but I fear she has escaped and returned to Dragonstone. All their dragons were waiting when I'd arrived, so I thought it best not to take on such a battle alone." Aemond lied. Aegon rose to his feet, leisurely strutting down to right in front of his younger brother with his eyes narrowed.

"Then tomorrow we fly to Dragonstone, brother." Aegon smirked as he patted Aemond's shoulder before excusing himself for the evening. When the doors shut behind him, Aemond instantly went to his mother and grandfather.

"You both need to get Helaena and Maelor out of King's Landing right away. Rhaenyra is bringing the entirety of her armies to take back her throne first thing on the morrow. It's not safe for you all here." Aemond urged.

"How do you-?" Alicent began, but then saw her son's eye drop to the floor. She knew where he truly was all this time. "After all that has happened, you still flock to her side?"

"Careful, mother." Aemond's gaze returned to her with a threatening look in the darkened violet eye. "I'm doing this as a courtesy to you all as my family."

"And what of your brother, Aemond?" Otto asked. "He is the rightful heir, how can you just abandon him so easily?"

"Forgive me if I'm not sympathetic towards the man who had my unborn child murdered as well as nearly killing my wife." Aemond turned his glare to his grandfather, who exchanged a confused look with Alicent, who Aemond didn't notice had bowed her head with shame. Otto was not made aware of the child, but he could tell by his daughter's face that she knew. "I cannot allow that to stand."

"Of course, my dear son." Alicent cleared her throat, escorting the two out of the throne room, completely unaware of the silver haired girl who hid in the balcony observing the whole conversation.

Aerea watched as Aemond followed his mother and grandfather out the doors and felt a huge betrayal in her heart. How could he help Otto and Alicent after what they had done to her? To their child? She understood his concern for Helaena and Maelor as they were innocent, but not those two. No. Aerea couldn't allow it. She'd told her mother what Dyana had said to her and Rhaenyra agreed the two would answer for their crimes.

And Aerea was going to keep her mother to her words.

The skies were dark with thunder and lightning filling amongst the clouds. Rain began to pour over King's Landing, almost fitting weather for such a dreary turn of events to come. Aemond looked out from his balcony, praying for everything to go smoothly today. He hardly found any sleep the previous night as he thought of what Rhaenyra would do to him once she claimed her throne.

He'd accepted his fate the moment he left Dragonstone, but couldn't help but feel scared for how Aerea would react. She'd already lost so much in such a short time, but then he remembered it was all because of him. This was him giving what he could back to her. And she would find more happiness without him in her life to ruin things.

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