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7 years later

Aerea slowly walked through the halls of Dragonstone, gently holding her swollen belly as she went in search of her husband and children. Neither of their girls were in attendance for their lessons, which usually meant one thing. Their father snuck them out. Their eldest of 6, Daena, was always good at pouting just enough to sucker Aemond. And gods help him if their youngest of 4, Elaena, ever teamed up in her pouting.

She was just turning a corner when she finally heard squealing giggles ringing throughout the halls. The noise was getting closer and closer until she finally found Aemond on the floor, trapping both their daughters in his arms and shaking them side to side as they laughed.

"We must slay this beast to live!" Daena said through her laughs and was met with a shove from her sister.

"Father is not a beast, you idiot!" Elaena tried flailing her arms at her older sister, but Aemond sat up immediately separating the two.

"No fighting your sister, little one. We've talked about this." Aemond raised a brow at Elaena who had her arms crossed and bottom lip puffed out. Daena stuck her tongue out and shook her head in a mock, thinking he couldn't see her. "And no taunting your sister as well, Daena."

"Fine." Daena grumbled as walked in front of her sister.

"I'm sorry." Elaena mumbled.

"I'm sorry." Daena retorted.

"And to me." Aemond smiled mischievously.

"For what?" The girls asked just as he snatched them back into his arms and tickled them through their giggles.

"For letting me catch both of you once more." He laughed as he stood holding a child on both sides and carrying them off.

Aerea cleared her throat and he spun around quickly with both girls looking up at their father with their eyes widened and mouths covered. Both unsure who was in more trouble. Them or their father. "Aren't you two supposed to be practicing your High Valyrian?"

"Yes, mother!" The girls answered before jumping from their father and running off.

Aerea rolled her eyes, strutting over to Aemond with a tired smile. "They miss another lesson, they'll never learn it, husband."

"In all fairness, I did go over some words with them." He smiled sheepishly, running his hand over his wife's belly. "You shouldn't be up in your condition, my love. The babe is nearly here."

"You expect me to stay in bed without you all day?" She joked before sighing into him, leaning her head against his shoulder. "The little Prince won't let me rest anyways. He spends all his time kicking me in there."

"Ah, so you're convinced it's a boy this time?" His grin grew wide.

"It feels like it. Daena and Elaena didn't feel like this when i was pregnant with them." She smiled down at her stomach, seeing both their hands intertwined over the swell. "That and I don't think I could handle another girl with how easily swayed you are over our first two."

"How am I supposed to tell any of my girls no?" He winked, pressing his lips softly against hers. But then her body tensed as she held tightly onto his hand. He pulled away instantly seeing her strained face. "What is it, my love?"

"Oh, fuck...it's time." She gasped as she felt a harsh wave crash through her body.

Hours and hours passed with the princess screaming in her bed, slumping back in defeat after each contraction. Aemond sat behind her, rubbing her shoulders in support. The last couple of years hadn't been kind to them trying to conceive another child. She'd been pregnant twice and both had ended long before the end of their term, so now that they'd finally made it to the end, they feared the gods wouldn't be so kind to them once more.

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