Chapter Eleven Failure In Many Ways

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_______________Russia/Thursday/ 8:23pm

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Russia/Thursday/ 8:23pm

"I will be calling every three hours to check up on you for theses couple of months coming up in top of that your going to have to do group again. Before you start your shit I know you hate people but you have to corroborate." My sponsor Eric said as I just slouch on the sofa in my house scrolling.

"I have no objections." I said in a monotone voice and stopping him from his little rant.

"Oh... well good remember the first step to recovery is-

"Recognize the problem and the habits you are repeating. " I cut him off and letting out a sigh.

Kinda regretting this already...either way I have to grow the fuck up though.

Eric smiled which annoyed me.

Eric a damn square. He's one of those lawful citizens always do the right thing and follow rules. People like him just always irritate me on how perfect they want to present themselves.

"Good; back to the topic about group you will have morning and night m-

"Morning?" I question because I don't really wake up early unless you count 11:30am as early.

"Yes morning group it starts at 7:30am and the night class is the same time but pm." He said writing in my planner. I yawn putting my phone on my lap crossing my arms and leaning my head back on the couch.

"I have questions." I said sitting up since something pop in my mind. Eric lift his head up from writing before handing me my planner which I gladly took it from him and opening it to see that I'm scheduled to go to theses meeting 3 times a damn week.

"I can answer." He smile and I flash one back.

"Never really got the chance to know my sponsor you down to just have a regular conversation?" I asked Eric. I know I give the guy I hard time might as well ease up.

He still fucking annoying.

"Oh sure wassup?" His proper demeanor relaxed a bit.

"What made you want to be a sponsor?" I asked him and he gave me a small smile.

"My little sister overdosed... didn't have a stable support system at home and I was at college at the time. So if you're wondering Halston yes I take my should very seriously there's no need to bullshit you." Eric shared which I didn't expect to hear. Kinda felt bad for judging.

"Since we having a down to earth conversation can I asked why you turn to drugs again this time?" He asked and I yawned covering my mouth.

"Control and incapable to have self discipline ... like and itch." I told him and he hummed.

"I think you're capable of it. Pretty positive you're serious about help. If you didn't you would have blocked my number. What happened to painting?" He asked and I groan a little.

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