Time & Time Again Book 1

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Dedicated to one of my closest friends
and the only co-PJO fan and reader that I have. To my favourite daughter of Aphrodite, Mari, thank you for all the hard work, love, and support. This is for you, girly pop <3


At the moment that I am writing this series, I have not finished TOA and all of the Riordanverse in its entirety. I'm still reading TOA right now which means that all canon information beyond that may or may not be added to this alternate universe.

My goal is to try and stick with canon as much as possible, but there will be some parts that may be added on or some canon parts that will be taken out, as this series is still fan fiction. Again, I'm going to give a heads up that there will be add-ons to the universe as this is still fan fiction. I want to bring my imagination, headcanons, and ideas to life, continuing to share my love for the series with others.

English is not my first language, but I like to believe that I'm partially fluent in it, so please bare with me. This series is not flawless and not everyone might like it. The world-building will not be perfect; plot holes will be evident, there may be characters or events that you may not like, and grammar mistakes will surely pop up from time to time, but with the help of my beta reader, we hope that all of you enjoy this new and extended world of the PJO universe that we have created.

From the bottom of my heart, I hope that the characters that I bring to life and the Time & Time Again Series brings a smile to your face and a nostalgic feeling in your heart.

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