Chapter 08

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Start Did I just make the biggest mistake of my entire life? Most likely

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Start Did I just make the biggest mistake of my entire life? Most likely. Did I regret it? Not really.

"Delia, you don't know what you're talking about."

"I do know what I'm talking about," I retorted, crossing my arms against my chest. " I was chosen for the quest, Charlie. Not you or Zee, me ."

From behind me, Zee let out a small gasp, and I could see the way everyone's eyes widened at what I had just said. Okay, maybe I should not have gone there, but it was too late for me to take back what I said. Charlie's gaze on me darkened and got even more intense as we started a staring contest.

"Cordelia Celestine Jackson."

I wanted to look away and run. The way my brother said my name in a tone he's never used scared me. This was the first time that Charlie had ever talked to me in this way.

"Charlie..." From behind me, Zee called to his twin warningly, but Charlie ignored him. I could imagine the look on my brother's face without even looking behind me. "Tone it down, Oliver ."

Chiron let out a loud sigh before catching everyone's attention again. "Campers, back to your cabins, please. For our chosen demigods, please take as much rest as you can. We will talk in the morning. As for cabin three, please remain as we will continue our conversations in the Big House."

With some protesting and hesitation, the other campers were forced to go back to their cabins to sleep it off. But we all knew nobody could go to sleep after hearing and seeing everything that happened today.

I found Alix and Via's eyes on me as they were being dragged away by their cabin counselors. They didn't have to say anything, but I could see just by the look on their faces that they wanted to talk to me. They wanted to comfort me, which is ironic because I knew I should be doing the same thing for them. After all, the three of us were chosen for their quest.

"Back to the cabins, everyone!" Rachel waved them off as we watched everyone make their way out of the amphitheater. "Lights out and doors locked as soon as possible."

The amphitheater began losing its crowd slowly but surely as all of the campers grumbled and mumbled to each other without missing a beat and slipping a glance to my brothers and I. Sure enough, there would be rumors spreading of our conversation tonight because as much as the campers try their best to follow Chiron's authority, we love breaking the rules.

"Let's continue our conversation, shall we?" Chiron gestured to the Big House as we all silently followed him there.

The whole walk to the Big House was a quiet and awkward affair. I could still feel the tension between me and my brothers—especially with Charlie. Zee tried to break the tension, but the only thing that he could do was hold my hand. I know he wants to be on the neutral side, but he will obviously side with his twin this time.

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