Chapter 03

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"Campers, move out of the way!" Charlie, my brother, yelled as the other demigods started pushing us back and making way for Chiron

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"Campers, move out of the way!" Charlie, my brother, yelled as the other demigods started pushing us back and making way for Chiron.

"Nobody is to step outside of the property line! As of this moment, the camp is in total lockdown!" Astrid said. "Nobody should go in and out of the campground until further notice."

As the camp's head counselors this year, Charlie and Astrid immediately went to work. I usually see the both of them arguing and downright strangling each other at training sessions, but this is one of the only moments that I have seen them work together. It almost makes me uncomfortable that they are not fighting like they're usually seen doing, but in the middle of a serious situation like this, they work well with each other.

Chiron passed by where I was standing with Rachel still in his arms. He basically galloped by which a small part of me feels guilty for relating someone who's like an uncle to me, and yet here I am, describing a century-old being that he moves like a horse. To be fair, Chiron is a centaur which means that my description is kind of right.

As soon as Chiron is far enough that the only thing I can see from him is his silhouette, I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. It's either I didn't want to get caught for sneaking into battle when I wasn't supposed to, or this whole situation was just too intense. Either way, Chiron can't give me a long talk about safety when we literally live at a camp with people whose main entertainment is to beat each other up for fun, and sneaking off was something my parents did back in their day. My brothers also can't tell me off because I can't even count the number of times they sneaked out of the cabin to avoid training sessions, or getting told off by Chiron for something they apparently did.

Little did I know, while I was busy standing there in the dark, I wasn't as quiet as I thought I was because behind me stood my brother. I should have just run when I had the chance, but even though he wasn't looking at me, I could sense that he knew I was there.

"Cordelia Celestine," Zee whispers under his breath but not meeting my eyes. "What in the gods' name are you doing in the middle of a battle?"

It's rare for my brother to act this seriously. It's usually Charlie who gets all mama cow to Zee and me, so seeing him act like this is pretty weird.

See, I was going to make a 'mama hen' reference, and because we're Poseidon legacies, I was going to make an underwater version by using sea creatures, but my attempt at humor backfired. I remember learning something about dolphins while watching an ocean documentary with my dad when I was younger. Male dolphins apparently are called bulls, baby dolphins are calves, and female dolphins are cows.

Why name an animal after another animal? That is one of the stupidest things that I have ever heard. Naming an animal who eats meat after another animal who is basically vegetarian. I would actually be offended by that.

You may be asking, if dolphins are named after mammals that live on land, then a group of dolphins should also be a herd, right? Well, you're wrong. A group of dolphins is called a pod. I know that there was a reason for this since a pod is an acronym, but who in Poseidon's name decided that that would be a good idea⸺

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