Chapter 1

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Hey! Thank you for giving this a look at and I hope you enjoy! However: Warnings about this fic: probably a lot of profanity. Also, there will be some sex scenes later on. Those said sex scenes will be marked if you prefer to not read them. If you chose to read them, then please be aware that they are different than regular sex scenes. This fic is going to have Alpha/Omega type tendencies that include things like knotting...

Also, If your don't want to read the sex scenes then I honestly recommend not reading this because there's a lot of them.

Hopefully this doesn't scare anyone away... Here's chapter 1:

Stiles Stilinski.

Best Friends - Scott McCall, Allison Argent, Lydia Martin.

Father - Sheriff Stilinski.

Absolute true love - Lydia Martin.

This was Stiles' life. Plane and simple; nothing impressive, nothing to do with popularity and nothing exciting ever happened to him (no matter how hard he wished). He joined the lacrosse team sophomore year only because of his best friend Scott. And Scott joined to become "popular" and to get the girl.

Then, his life took a very interesting turn. He discovered his best friend - Scott McCall - had turned into a werewolf. A fucking werewolf that howled at the moon, grew fur, sharp teeth and claws, that hunted things on the full moon and occasionally rubbed his butt on the carpet for the heck of it.

Okay, that last one was a joke, but he realized that his life would never be the same again - and in fact it hadn't. This is what he was just thinking about on his way to school one night. He was sitting in his jeep, cranking the radio as loud as humanly possible and pulling into his school parking lot. Now, normally he would have just stayed at school for the lacrosse match, however, he had left his equipment at home. He begged Coach Finstock to let him leave campus and he had replied with, "Bilinksi, if you're even a second after 7:00, you're off the team." Then Stiles lost interest in the monologue that coach had suddenly gone into.

He sat back into his Jeep, closing his eyes. Man, how his life was changing. Scott had been a werewolf for a year now and he was still his same old self. Lydia, Allison, Jackson . . . They all had changed, but not him. He stayed his normal, boring self.

Now, in retrospect, there was nothing wrong with the way things were. Perfectly acceptable. Beautiful even. Except . . . Stiles wanted . . . to feel wanted. Scott had Allison now and didn't rely on him as much as he used to. Lydia still rarely speaks to him and when she does he barely replies out of sheer shock that she had just spoken to him .Jackson was still an ass, but a werewolf ass nonetheless. A majority of the people Stiles knew were werewolves.

Sometimes, he would get a very nostalgic feeling and wish things were back to their old ways.

But he could never go back.

The past was the past.

He needed to focus on the future. He opened his eyes yet again to look up into the full moon.

Scott had learned to control his wolf side, but he wasn't going to be at the game tonight.

"This is the full moon before the mating moon, so I can't make it to the game. The mating moon is extremely rare -" Scott had said to him during English class. Scott continued to explain about it but Stiles got distracted by Lydia's doodling in her notebook. Lately, she has been drawing this weird star shaped thing that fascinated Stiles. He could stare at it for hours on end and never tire of it.

Stiles shifted out of his seat to turn the car off. He glanced at the clock , 6:58. Shoot, he was going to be late - yet again - for lacrosse.

He grabbed his bag from the passengers seat and opened the door. It was starting to get warmer, but tonight was an especially chilly night. It was the coldest it had been for this time of year.

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