Chapter 4

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Yeah so this chapter's got a lot of ****** the goes to the end... So I'm only going to mark the beginning of the scene because it goes to the end of the chapter.

Oh god.

Stiles couldn't sit still. He couldn't think straight. Nothing was making any sense. Tonight was the full moon.

Stiles didn't know what to think. His mind was trying to rationalize the things that were occurring but his body wanted to screw everything. This was definitely a strength building experience. To be able to wander the halls of school without an erection? That's pretty amazing in his case. He was giving himself some major brownie points here.

"Stiles, what are you going to do?" Scott asked him last period of the day. Stiles didn't even answer. He couldn't answer properly. He wasn't sure what exactly would come out of his mouth at this point. He had barely even talked today and that was only when the teachers asked him questions. He skipped out on lunch and just went to the nurses room to try and sleep. He couldn't.

Stiles watched the second hand on the clock like it was the ball dropping on New Years Eve. Tick. Tock.

Tick. Tock.



Even second dragged on until Stiles heart leap out of his chest as he hear the noise of the bell ringing through the halls. He was out of the class room faster than the teacher or Scott could stop him. He could hear Scott calling him but he was already gone and running to his car.

When Stiles got home he really tried not to touch himself. He was succeeding. His trick was simply playing Xbox for four hours straight. It was working too. He was able to focus all of his attention on Call of Duty. He was actually starting to get seriously frustrated. People could kill him with one shot to the leg but he continued to pump the other person full of led and the were still standing?

There was a knock at his door. "Stiles?" His dad opened the door. "The station just called and I have to work the night shift. There's apparently a lot of activity tonight and they need the extra hands. Call me if anything happens. I'll be back in the morning, just in time for your Lacrosse game. Food's in the fridge. Be good." And with that Stiles was alone with his thoughts.

He tried to play Xbox for another two hours but started to loose focus and his attention went to his other problem. The one that was the elephant in the room.

He didn't know what to do. Would the werewolf even know he was here? (That's honestly a little creepy if he does. Maybe he could smell him or something?) Was anyone going to come and meet him? Or was he meant to go to them? He should have asked these questions a month ago, not the night of. He looked over at his clock. It blinked 9:54.

He ran over to his computer and flipped it on. He googled- "Do werewolves have knots?" and was surprised at the results. Some sites said that that idea was far fetched but a majority of them said it was true. Then he started watching the video's...

He felt the butterfly's return to his stomach. He felt like throwing up even though he's barely eaten anything all day. He closed his laptop just as quickly as he had opened it and was now pacing his room back and forth debating what to do. He wished he had just never drove back to school that day. He should have just ditched like Scott did. Coach wouldn't have even noticed. All Stiles could do was wait...

He heard something. There was definitely a noise. Wasn't there? He froze facing the door. Where had the noise come from? Oh no, if the werewolf was at his door- How'd he get in? There was a shuffling noise outside his window but Stiles was not turning around. He had learned his lesson last time.

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