Chapter 2

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Two and a half weeks had flown by and nothing really happened to Stiles. Well, nothing per say, out of the blue. He was still just as clumsy and awkward as before. Maybe he was hungrier since then... But hey, he was a growing teenage boy.

Honestly, Stiles had almost forgotten about the incident. However, he did remember how the conversation went when they were over at Derek's and Scott told them why Stiles hadn't been around for the last few days-

"What?" Isaac was the first to speak. His mouth was curved into a smile and he was obviously suppressing a laugh- of course he was. He would find this situation funny.

"Who is it?" Lydia asked with curiosity in her voice and a grin plastered on her face. She was bordering on excitement. This was one of the few times she ever really paid attention to him and it was because of this incident? Great. Just great.

"Maybe its an Alpha from a rival pact?" Allison asked with just as much interest. Stiles really hoped it wasn't from a rival pact. But at the same time he didn't want it to be someone from his pact. Oh god, if it was Scott who might have unknowingly bit him? That would get extremely awkward extremely fast. Maybe it would be better if it was someone he didn't know. Heck, it could be a girl. Couldn't it?

Stiles could hope.

"Doubt it. No Alpha would look for a mate from Stiles. It was probably an Omega who bit him."

This time Isaac bluntly laughed. Stiles rolled his eyes as he looked at Derek. Derek had remained quiet the entire time Scott and Stiles were explaining the situation. Stiles eyes weren't even on Derek's for a second before Derek leaned away from the door frame and walked out of the room. Had he been looking at him the entire time? Ha, no chance.

"I bet it is an Alpha. And probably a hot one." Lydia interjected smiling at Stiles. Her rose colored lips sparkled in the dim lit room. He couldn't help but smile back.

After that, Stiles just went back to his regular life.

And his life went on normally. There were some very minor things that resembled what Deaton had said but nothing extreme. The only thing was he had the feeling that he was missing something almost 24/7. Or that he was without something. But he could never place what that something was. Rather it be a textbook that he forgot to bring or even looking for Scott - Stiles never felt content. There were only every few times when the feeling disappeared. When he was in the presence of his pack - Scott, Isaac, Derek, Lydia and Allison.

It was only recently that Stiles had decided to call them his pack. And only because it felt... Natural? No, that wasn't the right word... Essential? Familiar? Instinctive? What ever the word, it felt right.

He tried to forget about the biting thing, he really did... Everything was going great too.

Until Thursday...

Stiles wandered through the school halls and found himself walking in two minutes late to English. The teacher gave him an angry look, but Stiles had somehow managed to avoid detention - for now. He sat down behind Scott and opened his book.

He looked blankly at the pages letting his mind wander. He looked up from his textbook and around the room. He heard footsteps. They were clear as day.

His head spun around the room in search of where they were coming from. A sudden roar of a car engine had him panicked. His eyes scanned the window for the source of noise.

All of his other classmates were looking at the teacher and listening to a very boring lecture that Stiles couldn't even hear because of that extremely loud car. The engine revved up again and Stiles winced at how loud it was. It sounded like his head was directly under the car hood. His pulse had skyrocketed and Scott turned around.

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