Chapter 7

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Slight dubious consent but blink and it's gone

Still Derek's POV (But it will change)

They were now in Derek's old room. There was only a mattress and a laundry hamper near the corner of the room adjacent the door. Derek threw Stiles on the bed and pounced. He ripped Stiles shirt off of him as Stiles yelled in protest.

"What the hell Derek! Get off me!" But Derek was already too far gone. The wolf was beginning to overcome the sanity that his normal human self possessed. He was licking and biting every inch of Stiles bare skin. His hands played with Stiles nipples and Derek attached his neck again. God, the amazing smell of Stiles arousal was beginning to fill the room. Stiles was still protesting but less often now.

"Not going to." Derek mumbled as an answer, lips finding Stiles' again. He didn't even wait for a response or permission before pushing his tongue into Stiles mouth. Stiles was his drug that he couldn't get enough of. He needed so much more. Without breaking their lips apart, Derek reached down and grabbed Stiles pants. He undid the top button and could hear the noise of the zipper following. He smirked into the kiss.

This boy, as much as he might not want to admit it, was almost as gone as Derek was. Derek thrust his hand into Stiles' boxers. Stiles surprised gasp turned into a moan as Derek started playing with his balls. He was rubbing them and the base feeling how tight they were becoming as Stiles became harder. Derek released his mouth to pull of the rest of his jeans and boxers.

Derek let out a laugh. Stiles boxers had the pattern of the Batman logo on them.

"Shut up. Batman is awesome and I was in a rush okay? I don't want to hear your-" Derek placed a very soft and tender kiss on Stiles mouth which made Stiles make a confused face at Derek. Derek started kissing his chest again mumbling his thoughts.

"Shit." Derek was leaving soft kisses down trailing down to Stiles navel. "You don't know just how good you smell. Don't let anyone else ever smell you like this. Mine. God, I want you so bad right now... Wanna fuck you, fill you up with my come. Want you to have my pups. Do you think they took last time? Probably not... Have to try again..." Derek knew that Stiles probably couldn't get pregnant but this was no longer Derek talking. His wolf was wanting to mate Stile. To mount him and just rip him in half.

"Then do it." Stiles replied. Derek looked up to see Stiles staring at him, watching his ever move. His cock jumped in eagerness. He wanted to so fucking bad. But not yet.

"Soon..." He leaned down and without warning took the head of Stiles cock into his mouth. Stiles let out a rather loud moan and threw his head back moaning Derek's name. Derek continued to suck him off slowly. Very slowly. He loved how the boy tasted- He wanted so much more. He could hear Stiles breathing being ruggad as he started moving his hips into Derek's mouth. Derek took more in and licked down the shaft. He could feel the tip of Stiles' cock hitting the back of his throat. Stiles was starting to move his hips faster with smaller and shorter thrusts. Derek grabbed hold of Stiles' hips so hard he knew there will be bruising. That's mainly why he did it. He wanted Stiles to have marks of everything they did together. Wanted people to know he belonged to Derek. He pulled off of Stiles' cock with a pop and watched his saliva spring onto the naked boys belly along with a few drops of precum. He could hear the boy protesting. "Derek, please... I-I need to c-come."

"Did I give you my permission? Remember, everything you do, I have to approve of. I haven't said you could come yet. You better not." He grabbed a hold of the base of Stile's cock and gave a hard squeeze. The boy yelped and squirmed under him.

"Derek, God Derek, please! I was so close!" Stiles was trying to wiggle his was out of Derek's hold but his efforts were futile.

"I'll have you coming so hard it will be exactly like how I took your virginity. You will always belong fully to me. No one else." He could feel the shiver that ran down Stiles spine at his words and both of their heart rates increased. Derek really needed to get out of these jeans.

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