Chapter 3

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*****= smut

The full moon was Friday.

This fricken Friday.

Stiles was slowly losing his sanity and failing every test in the meantime. He didn't know what to do. On average, he had to jerk himself off at least three times a day. Yes, he had to. It wasn't something he could talk himself out of, his body physically needed it.

This was half of the reason for his madness. The other half was sitting and wondering who the hell would come and claim him on Friday. His heartbeat would speed up considerably and he would have to work on something else so he didn't have a panic attack.

Which he had to talk himself out of getting nearly every hour.

Also, Scott was no help. Because this Friday's moon was the "Mating" moon, as Scott and Deaton had told him now multiple times. Scott had been spending all his time with Allison. "Wow, Allison's looking even more beautiful today" and "God, doesn't Allison smell amazing?" was all Scott would talk about. Stiles really didn't feel wanted nor did he have the patience to put up with that. So instead, he tried starting a bond with Danny and Isaac. Well, mostly Danny who actually put up with him half the time. But Isaac would sometimes listen. Sometimes... Okay, rarely.

Now, on this decent Tuesday, Stiles was sitting at his usual lunch table with the disgusting PDA that Allison and Scott were sharing from across him while Stiles tried to have a normal conversation with Danny about himself.

"Danny, how am I not attractive in your eyes? I seriously don't get it. What is unappealing about me?" He asked while taking a break from eating his pretzel.

"Look, can we not have this conversation again?" Danny asked looking at Isaac who just shrugged at him like it was no big deal. Like this conversation didn't happen once every two or three days.

"No, don't give me that. We are going to have this conversation until you give me a valid answer. Saying, 'Because I just don't' isn't good enough. I need a more solid reasoning. How about something like, 'Stiles is just to mature and out of my league for me to even try and hit on.'" Stiles tried to imitate Danny as best as he could. He didn't think it was half bad. Apparently Danny thought otherwise.

"That sounds nothing like me." He stated. Stiles could hear Allison laughing at something Scott had said and he turned his attention to them. They sat across from Stiles and Scott had his whole body positioned towards Allison. The sight was almost sickening. They should just get a room already.

"Stiles, man. Come on." Scott said to Stiles who then came upon the realization that he had said that last line out loud. Stiles didn't reply. He rarely said sorry and he sure as hell didn't feel like saying it now. "Are we going to talk about your-"

"No." Stiles interrupted coldly. He almost regretted it by the look of pain that showed bluntly on Scott face but he stood his ground. "I am not talking about it."

"You're going to have to sooner or later. The full moon is this Friday-" Scott tried to be Stiles voice of reasoning.

"I'm aware. I know what day it is." Stiles knew he was sounding like a jackass, but he couldn't stop himself. He wanted to think about Friday as little as possible. But lately that all he could think about.

"Yeah, well have you thought about who it is? Mating moon isn't something werewolves take lightly so it has to be someone you know. It could be-"

"I said I don't want to talk about it. So, I'll just get going to class early or something." He stood up pushing his chair out from behind him causing a loud scratching sound that had several people looking at him.

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