Chapter 5

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Stiles was surrounded by warmth. It was like being engulfed by blankets and stuck next to the heater on a freezing cold day. He knew the longing feeling that had been with him for the past month was beginning to melt away. Everything was shifting into place and finally coming together.

But it had been Derek. The one that left the bite on him last full moon, the one he had been freaking out over, the one he had lost his virginity to was Derek Hale. He could feel panic arise in him. Why? Why did Derek choose him? No - not choose. It must have been a mistake. There was absolutely no way Derek chose him willingly. It had been a mistake. If Stiles could go back a month, he would never had gone to that game. He needed his space back. He wasn't normally claustrophobic, but suddenly everything felt close. Way too close.

He shifted a little in bed when his breathing became erratic. His lower back felt so fricken sore that he could barely move. It was like he had scooted through a marathon only able to use his butt muscles. But it felt odd. It hurt yes, but something was still in him. Probably just a shit load of Derek's cum. Stiles started panicking a little with the feel of an arm being draped around him. His back was against a rock hard, but warm surface. At least Derek didn't leave him. He would have killed Derek if he had left.

But nevertheless, Stiles still almost had a panic attack. He shifted his muscles trying to get a little freedom and regain his personal space only to realize - Derek hadn't even fucking pulled out. He could feel Derek wasn't hard nor had a knot but he just didn't pull out.

He was still in Stiles. Stiles brought his hands up to his eyes and rub the sleep out of them. He couldn't believe the situation he was in right now. Derek being in his bed, naked, wrapped around and in Stiles. Stiles sitting here wishing this hadn't happened, but Derek was ignorant and still sleeping. They do say ignorance is bliss. Stiles was tempted to turn around and see what he looked like right now, but didn't. Instead, he thought about how much he was not looking forward to today. At all. He could feel every muscle in his body groan at the thought of going out and playing lacrosse. It hurt to even think about moving.

A loud noise made Stiles jump. Then, everything froze. That was a car door wasn't it? Was it? Who would be here right now? His dad had the night shift - Oh. His dad was back. Stiles looked over to the clock. 8:48. He had to leave in twelve minutes. Shit.

Then the front door opened. He wasn't going to come upstairs was he? No, he never really came up here in the morning. But then again, Stiles' car was still in the driveway. Maybe today was the day Sheriff Stilinski would believe in his son and his ability to wake himself up on time. Was that the squeaky step at the bottom of the stairs? Okay, maybe his dad didn't think Stiles was up.

Stiles elbowed Derek. Derek shifted against him letting out a groan of announce.

"Get up!" Stiles whispered a yell (if even possible). At his words, Derek's hold seemed to loosen as he backed away and removed his arm. Strikes pulled away from Derek and shivered at the feeling of Derek - along with his some of his cum - falling out of him with a plop. "Shit." Stiles whispered under his breath. He felt so weird. This was the first time he wanted to talk to Derek. Talk about what happened. What's going to happen in the future. Yes, this was a mistake, but maybe a mistake that would happen again. Stiles would be okay with that.

His thoughts were interrupted by a knock on his door. It had to be his dad. Stiles panicked and did the only logical thing a teenager that had something to hide from his dad would do:

He pushed Derek off the bed. Derek was clearly not expecting this, and fell off with a loud thunk, landing on his side. He could hear Derek complaining, but he didn't move. Derek was gone out of sight, off the bed, and away from the door. Stiles laughed a little at this - he would just fall of the bed in a completely inelegant way. But then again- Derek was more like a dog than a cat (well, technically he was a dog). How Stiles was even able to push Derek off was a shock alone. He expected Derek to fight back or something. But to succumb to a teenager pushes? Very unlike Derek.

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