Chapter 6

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Gonna try a new POV!!!!

Derek's POV-

Four days had past and not a word from Stiles. Derek hadn't been able to get more then six hours of sleep and is currently pacing his apartment wondering what to do. He didn't have Stiles' number but Stiles would most likely not want to talk to him.

He had rejected Derek. Stiles probably blames Derek and won't want to see him for a while- or ever. Derek ached at the thought. Not ever seeing Stiles again would be hard. Derek had just thought-

No. It didn't matter what Derek thought because it wasn't any of his business. He dragged Stiles into this and now he was going to let Stiles get out on his own. He didn't need Derek in his life. He should be going on dates with girls not being pinned to a bed by someone older than him by four years!

And that was another thing, Stiles was underage. If Sheriff Stilinski found out, he would be arrested. Derek was pretty sure that he didn't want to do any jail time (well, more then he has already done). This would just be better for them both.

Then why can't Derek forget about Stiles? The way he smells haunts Derek constantly. He misses hearing the constant pestering of him. Derek would just have to be alone for the rest of his life. He was an idiot for spent his mating moon with someone who didn't even want him. He even fucking knotted Stiles.

The ritual of the mating moon is that a werewolf must find a mate one month prior to the moon. That mate must be another werewolf unless you mark them (in a place fairly visible) and they are fully consenting. Also, if you knot your partner on the night of this full moon, they become your mate for life. That means that Derek will never be sexually attracted to anyone except Stiles.

He really didn't think this through. Why did he even pick Stiles? Oh right, its the wolf that decides. But Stiles is always there for him. He had saved his life more times then Derek could count. Even if Derek didn't want to admit it, Stiles made him laugh. He kept him grounded. There was a time when anger was his anchor, but now it's Stiles. He wanted Stiles.

Maybe he could just try and talk to Stiles one more time...

He looked over into his closet for his jacket. Where did he last have it? He shook his head and grabbed his keys. He would look for his jacket later.


When he pulled into the Stilinski residence, Stiles jeep wan't in the driveway but there were two police cars out front. Derek hesitantly got out of his black Camero and walked up to the front door. He knocked on the door.

Not even five seconds after, the door flew open to reveal the Sheriff in his uniform. He looked pretty bad- His eyes were red with dark pools forming under them. He blinked a few times and his face soften. He opened the door more gesturing for Derek to come inside. He walked over the threshold to see another Deputy sitting at the table with a coffee mug in hand. He recognized the man as Deputy Parrish.

"What can I do for you Derek?" Sheriff stepped around Derek to walk over to the counter.

"Where's Stiles?" He asked. He knew immediately that was the wrong thing to ask. The Deputy at the table stiffed in his seat, hand dangerously close to the gun in his holster. Sheriff himself rested his elbows on the counter and put his face in his hands. He looked like he was holding back tears.

"I don't know." His voices was muffled but Derek could hear him. He could always hear something's he shouldn't. His heat raced.

"What?" He asked. How did they not know? Where would he be? He felt his hands turning into fists at his sides. He closed his eyes and tried to focus his breathing. He could feel his wolf right under his shin itching to come out. It was becoming something he couldn't control, something his wolf was doing to get his mate back.

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