Seeing him again

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(This book will not be following any of the movies it will just have references to movies and a few scenes but that's it)

Y/n's pov


Another day, another crime committed. I just want to sometimes give someone else my god title because of how hard it can be, but I can't.

Thoughts like that keep spiraling in my head while I'm trying to not destroy my bed again for the 3rd time this week it's only Tuesday.

"Death!" Tony yelled for me. 

Ah, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Y/n L/n I'm the God of Destruction and 1,098 years old, and a Friend of Thor and Loki, but I haven't seen Loki in so long, and he's the only one that knows my secret. 

"Friday tell him I'm coming," I said.

"Yes, Mr. l/n," Friday replies.

I walk to the elevator and went down to the living room since my room is on one of the last few stories of the tower. How had Tony managed to make his voice reach my room? Most likely used Friday. When I got there I saw the whole team.

"What's going on?" I asked confused.

"We need your help with a god we have been trying to capture," Steve quickly said to me.

"His name?" I asked.

"It's my brother, Y/n," Thor responded.

"LOKI!" I said shocked. I couldn't believe that they were after him. He hasn't done anything bad right? Well, we would be after him if he hadn't. But what could have the god of mischief done? Well, maybe a lot but he has only ever done pranks so it doesn't make any sense.

Did he kill? What has happened? Is he ok!?! Will he reveal my secret?

All these thoughts keep running through my head nonstop.

"When do we go get him," I said in a monotone voice.

"He's supposed to be in the next town over right now so we can go now," Tony says.

"Let's go then," I said.

"AVENGERS! Suit up!" Steve calls out. Then everyone but me and Thor run and gear up. Thor calls his hammer while I call my sword. 

(What the sword looks like you can change the color if you want or the type

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(What the sword looks like you can change the color if you want or the type.)

When the sword comes and reaches My clothes change into my fighting clothes.

When the sword comes and reaches My clothes change into my fighting clothes

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(what it looks like you can change it)

We all walk into the Quinjet and fell asleep after we took off.


Author pov

It took them about 3 hours to get to the town. Y/n was was still asleep so Thor had to wake him up which consisted of him shaking Y/n.

"Are we there?" Y/n asks groggily.

"Yes Y/n," Thor responds.

"Ok, let's go get the kitten!" Y/n said excitedly.

"What kitten are you talking about?" Tony asked.

"Lokes," Y/n answered.

"Whoes lokes if I might ask," Bucky said.

"Loki, and don't you dare tell him I told you of those nicknames or he will go for my head," Y/n said.

They then all walk out of the Quinjet and head into town just when Loki had killed someone and it stunned Y/n.

"That's not him right," Y/n asked looking in shock.

"He's not how he used to be Y/n and we have to trap him," Thor said.

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