The Fight

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Bold = Asgardian

Author pov


Steve and bucky were the first ones to go attack Loki. Then Tony Joined in the battle while Nat, Clint, and Thor are trying to get the citizens out of the area.

"Death we need you to destroy the ground around him," Tony said on the intercom.

"Got it," Y/n said while touching the ground and focusing on where Loki is at.

The ground around Loki starts to crack and break leaving it to where he couldn't go anywhere or that's what they thought. Loki flew up and went to Y/n.


Y/n pov


Loki came towards me after I made it to where he couldn't leave where he was, but I had forgotten that he could also fly. He landed 1 inch from my face and whispered in my ear, "I know your secret, but I might not be me."

It freaked me out and I touched his shoulder thinking of it breaking and it did. Tony threw me the limiters and I put them on Loki.

"You brought this to yourself Loki," I said.

"You are not my boss you bitch," Loki said.

I was shocked he called me that and almost let him go. Thor heard this and saw me almost let Loki go so he came and grabbed him.

"That's not nice to say to your friend Lokes," Thor said.

"Who said he was my friend!" Loki yelled at Thor.

"What are you guys saying?" Tony asked.

I look a Tony and say, "Loki called me a bitch Thor scolded him and now Loki is saying he was never my friend."

Thor looked at me with sorry eyes but I just looked away and walked to the Quinjet and waited for the others. When they got in we headed to the tower.

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