Escaping asgard with some help pt 1

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Italic = Thoughts
Bold = Asgardian
Loki pov
Finally Thanos left my thoughts. I feel horrible for being rude to Y/n he's one of the ones who has been there for me for a while. I want to tell him what my feelings are for him but he probably hates me because of how I was to him. If he doesn't, maybe I could get him to help me get out of this place.

I stood there looking at Y/n for a few seconds until he noticed then I turned my head away. We went to the throne room where 'dad' was.

"Loki, you have hurt multiple Midgardians!" 'Dad' said, "you will be locked up for you actions until I know what to do with you"

I was then taken by guards, but when I was taken I could feel someone's eyes on me.
Y/n's pov
"Loki, you have hurt multiple Midgardians!" Odin said, "you will be locked up for you actions until I know what to do with you"

I was shocked that Odin would lock Loki up. I watched as Loki was being dragged by guards to the cells and knew I had to fight for him to be free and if that doesn't work then I'll have to break him out.

"All father. Please he was controlled. He wouldn't of done something like that on purpose." I said pleading to Odin. "And to make sure that no one can get to him and make him do anything like that again he will stay locked up until I decide what happens! Do not go against my word young man. I know your father and he didn't raise you like this," Odin quickly retorted. "Yes All father," I replied still mad

I have to find a way to get Loki out of the cell but that might take a few days so that I won't get caught planning it.


Three days later


It's been 3 days and I think I have the perfect plan. So I will get one of the maids to create a distraction while I get the key for the cell then head to the cells. I would then open up the cell to get Loki out.

If only it is as simple as I plan it. I first have to get one of the maids to willingly do this and that might take a while.

I was walking around the castle when I saw Summer, my friend who is also one of the maids, so I asked her, "Summer, can you possibly make a distraction? I have to do something important." "I trust your judgment but I don't want to get into trouble," Summer answered. "I'll make sure you Won't get into trouble," I replied. "Fine," Summer said.

One thing down, just two more to go. This is gonna get harder.

(That's the end of part one of the escape sorry it's short I wanted to get it out for you guys)

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