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Bold = Asgardian

Y/n pov


When we got to the tower and I headed straight to my room to think of everything that had just happened.

Like that couldn't be the Loki I know right? It was like he was mind controlled. Maybe he was. But who could control the God of Mischief? 

I sat in my room for days thinking of every situation. Only one came to my mind that made sense and that was he made a deal with the wrong person. I go to the living room and see Thor.

"Hey, Y/n! Nice to see you" Thor said.

"Hey, Thor. I was wondering if I could talk to Lokes?" I asked.

"You would have to talk to steve about that," Thor responded.

"Do you know where he is?" I asked.

"He's training with Bucky right now," Thor answered.

"Thanks, Thor," I say while heading back to the elevator.

"Your welcome," Thor calls out.

Once I'm in the elevator I asked Friday, "Friday take me to the 5th floor."

"Yes Y/n," Friday responds.

I feel the elevator going upwards and then stop. I walk to the training room to see that Bucky just had pinned steve down.

"Hey," I say.

"Y/N!" Bucky and steve yell at the same time while getting off the floor.

"Steve I have a question," I say as I watch Bucky go and grab himself some water.

"What is it Y/n?" Steve asked.

"Could I talk to Loki to see if I can get information out of him?" I asked. 

"He hasn't talked to anyone but I guess you could try, but only when we are watching the cameras in there," Steve said.

"Ok," I said.

"Let's go see what we can get out of him," Bucky said out of nowhere which made me jump because I forgot he was there. The scare made me accidentally destroy a training mat that was underneath me.

"Well there goes another mat," Steve says.

"Let's just go," I quickly say while trying to leave quickly.

"Ok, I'll get Tony to text you when we are watching the cameras," Steve says.

When he said that I was already down the hall near the elevator. I hopped into the elevator and headed to the bottom floor. When the elevator opened up I walked to the doors that led to Loki's cell. You are probably wondering why I know where it is. Well, I asked Friday before I left my room. I waited for the text message from tony.

You can go inside now Tony messaged me.

I walked inside and saw Loki.

"Hey, Y/n Finally decided to visit, huh," Loki said.

"I wanted to ask you a few questions," I said.

"I won't answer," Loki responds.

"Ok, I just wanted to ask, where is the Loki that I know?" I asked.

Loki stayed silent.

"I believe you aren't that Loki," I said a little bit angry.

"What if I'm not?" Loki asked.

"Oh, then I would have to believe that you are in control of him," I answered.

"I believe that you have figured out that I found out that you aren't Loki. Now tell me who you are!" I said angered.

"I am your worst nightmare," Is all 'Loki' said.

I stopped pacing back and forth and looked at him.

"No. That's not possible. HE WOULDN'T MAKE A DEAL WITH SOMEONE LIKE YOU!" I yelled in anger.

Right before I hit the glass I was held back by Thor.

"Y/n, Calm down," Thor said.

"I can't there can't be a way that Loki would make a deal with Thanos!" I yelled.

"Y/n, We can't change the past, we can only change the future," Thor said in a calm voice.

I was picked up by Thor and taken to my room. I fought the whole way, but once I was in my room I was locked in there until I calmed down.

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