Atwow various × Kanao Tsuyuri!reader

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Y/n lived in a very poor place and had been abused when she was very young. After being beaten,starved and miserable almost everyday,one day she broke psychologically and became an empty shell.

One day,she was eventually sold off into slavery but got saved by two sisters who are scientists. The sisters adopted and raised y/n as their sister. The younger of the two sisters named Shinobu Kocho was reluctant to adopt y/n at first but warm up to y/n and took care of y/n with her older sister. The older sister ,Kanae Kocho, gave y/n a coin and instructed y/n to flip the coin if she needs help making a decision.

As a few years went by, the kocho sisters were given the chance to go to Pandora as a part of the good scientist there. They brought y/n along to Pandora as they couldn't leave y/n behind and wanted y/n to also have a better life in Pandora. (Set two years before the twow)

When the three sisters got there,they were amazed with the sceneries of the planet. Kanao went out exploring one day and was just looking around, distracted by the life in Pandora,she didn't notice four pairs of eyes on her.
All of them being entranced by her beauty. The smallest of them all accidentally step on a twig and cause the human to turn around quickly in surprised. All four beings starts to panicked looking at the human while y/n just stares at them in a calm posture but have sweat dropping and feel alert.

The four pairs of eyes being Spider,Lo'ak,Kiri and Tuk.
They slowly come out of their hiding spot and all of them just have their eyes looking into y/n eyes. After a while of having a mini staring contest,the reader ran away quickly. The four quickly ran to y/n catching up to her. Then they talk cautiously to y/n,then y/n just flips her coin when they asked her some questions. Sometimes she just smiles and didn't answer the question,sometimes she answers them but in short sentences. This makes them all even more interested and curious about this human girl. All four of the strangers likes y/n's voice and wants to hear more so they ask y/n lots of question. At the end,after getting to know each other more,the three teens sorta have small unnoticeable crush on y/n while Tuk really likes y/n as a mysterious friend. They talked until dark and went back their respective home.

The Sully kids all talked about y/n to their brother, Neteyam, and their parents. They met y/n and likes her but is kinda weirded out by her using the coin making decisions. Wonders why she does it but doesn't ask since it's not really their business.

Neteyam,like his siblings, is mesmerized by y/n's beauty. Never thought a human could look this pretty-
Does feel a little envy that his siblings and friend got to know y/n first.

Neytiri was cautious and doesn't really like Y/n at first but starts to like and accept her seeing how y/n helps healing and protecting her kids(especially Lo'ak) when they go out doing something reckless and also because of how y/n isn't annoying or pretending to be one of them like a certain someone she dislikes *ahem* spider *ahem hem*
Like her children,she also likes y/n's voice and would make an effort to get to know y/n and sometimes would talk to y/n.

Jake just thinks of y/n as another daughter and would know his children is infatuated with the human girl.(Neytiri knows as well)

Y/n is always called by the Sully's kids +spider to hang out in their place or the kids use the excuse of showing y/n around to actually hang out with y/n

Y/n starts to help around the clan as she doesn't wants to be a burden when she's going around in their territory.
The clan accepted y/n as their own because of how the human helps around a lot and is really nice even tho she is mysterious and a bit weird in their opinion.

When the forest was burning,the kocho sisters sacrifice themselves for y/n to escape safely.
Y/n then also fights the humans with the na'vi as her sisters wish for her to help and protect the place and its people. Y/n became slightly colder but the Sullys are there for her and it kinda makes them a bit worried when y/n doesn't cry for her sisters death. She finally told them her backstory and how her brothers got killed just for crying,making the Sullys,the clan and others feeling sorry and protective of her and even more angry towards the sky people.(i really want someone to write their reactions towards characters backstory)

Y/n kinda just get adopted by the Sully family.
Jake decides to bring y/n along with them to the metkayina clan because she also got caught by Miles Quaritch with the others and he is worried that y/n is also gonna be targeted.

At the metkayina clan,ofc the clan members were angry,scared and wary of y/n's presence. The Sullys held a protective stance in front of y/n, Kiri hold y/n's hand to soothe y/n(or herself). But they didn't really need to, with the way of how y/n is,being calm and quiet,made the members intrigued by her. Her smile is so pretty that the members let some of their guard down. Ao'nung and Rotxo couldn't really make any remarks about y/n as they were mesmerising her beauty. Tsireya couldn't help but stare at the pretty human girl as well, intrigued and in awe.
Ronal harshly criticized y/n but stopped when y/n never say anything and have some thoughts that maybe this "demon" isn't quite bad.

After being accepted into the clan,the reader tried her best to learn the metkayina ways. She impressed almost everyone with how she learns fast and really well. Tsireya always wants to hang out with y/n to get to know each other.
Rotxo and y/n starts to have a pleasant friendship.
Ao'nung and his friends tried to taunt y/n but she just smiles and say nothing,making Ao'nung and his friends a bit frustrated. But Ao'nung can't help but wants to get closer to her,since he's not good with feelings and wants to keep his reputation infront of his friends,he just bullies y/n for being a "demon" and also taunts her about her coin.
The Sully kids gets really protective of y/n when they see Ao'nung and his gang trying to bully her.

One day,Ao'nung just gets really frustrated with y/n that he just threw her coin into the water. Y/n just panicked and franticly gets into the water to find her coin. Ao'nung and his gang was just surprised to see her like that since she's always in a calm posture. They did laughed at y/n but starts to worry as she didn't come back up for a while. The Sully kids,Rotxo and Tsireya saw the entire thing and did quickly ran to the scene but was too late when y/n rush into the water.

Y/n was so focused on finding her coin that she forgot her breathing lessons and just starts to drown without much care tbh, she's just thinks about the coin,the coin is the last thing she got from her late sister,it made her thought of how she lost the coin like she lost Kanae and Shinobu again.

Ao'nung quickly rush to save y/n while the Sully kids,Rotxo,Tsireya also dived into the water wanting to save y/n while Ao'nung's friends all waited for them to come out.
Ao'nung did saved y/n,but she was unconscious,everyone grew even more concern and scared.While rushing to Ronal to get y/n treated, the Sully kids and Tsireya all scolded Ao'nung and Rotxo just wanting to bring y/n quickly to the Tsahik.

The adults(Tonowari,Ronal, Neytiri and Jake) asked what happened. After telling them everything, Ronal and Tonowari just gets angry at Ao'nung and scolded him then make him apologize to the Sullys and especially y/n after she wakes up.
The metkayina na'vi then asked about the coin,then the Sullys just explained about it and told them y/n's backstory.
Ao'nung and his friends felt even more terrible after hearing what y/n had gone through as a child and now the metkayina clan knows why y/n is like this. This make the metkayina leaders have a sorta soft spot for the girl. They and the clan does accept her as a good sky person and also fully part of their clan.

Ao'nung changed and starts being nicer to y/n after the event. Developing a nice friendship. This made the Sully kids a bit jealous like prince fish lips was a big bully and now he's just being nice like all of a sudden stealing their best friend.
They were also jealous when the metkayina people starts to hang out with y/n more,making them spending less time together. But they feel less jealous when y/n always says they'll never be replace by these people.

Now the sully kids and the metkayina kids starts to have a competition of stealing y/n's attention wherever or whenever they can.

Word count: 1636

Started: 28/01/2023

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