Giorno Giovanna!fem!reader (request)

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👇🏻Read this before reading the story pls👇🏻

I got impatient watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (i watched about 4 episode then skipped to watch Giorno's episodes instead)

I had change some parts of Giorno's backstory,his mother was not the best and neglected him a lot,which is similar to the backstory i had written for the reader but the difference is that Y/n's mother is a slightly good person who cares for Pandora. It is needed for the storyline. I hope it is ok.
And also i had added some more stuff to the backstory.

Nota end☝🏻
I hope you like the story...

Y/n is on no one's side.

She has a strong dislike towards the humans and she hates the na'vis.

To her,humans are cruel and selfish as they only care about themselves and would murder anyone or anything in their way.

To her, na'vis are just the same as her kind except being more selfless for their people.

They killed the other kind for the same thing,they killed for their people.

Y/n has a bitter view of her kind with what she had gone through as a child.

She hated the RDA just as much as the na'vis does. But she also hates those aliens as much as her kind does.

The RDA had taken her in as an experiment of some sort a few years ago at age 9. She was an orphan on earth,she had gone through abuses by her stepfather once her mother had left after her birth to move to Pandora being one of the good scientists staying there. Her stepfather took his anger out onto the girl many times. Because of it,she began to learn how to read people's mood. She gets laughed at and bullied by the kids in her school for her mother's betrayal to the humans to help aliens. She had no one there for her,she felt like an outcast and felt so alone on earth.

Y/n felt bitter about her mother leaving her for some other species. She blames everything that was happening to her onto her mother, her mother's job and the aliens and everything related to those.

At age 7...

Her stepfather then finally left her,running off to somewhere,not giving a single care about the young girl. He locked the door of the house when he left. Leaving the young girl alone and trapped inside her house.
She went on days without food as she was too scared of the dark to move to find food in her dark empty home. She was on the verge of dieing of starvation when the door had finally opened and a bright light flashed before her.
The people who found her were two teenage boys who thought her house was an abandoned haunted house with how it looks like no one has lived in it for weeks.
They brought her back to their parents,who was shocked at the girl's state. They felt a need to help the poor girl and adopted her into their home.
The girl felt happy for once in her life,her new brothers were protective of her and play with her a lot. Her new parents were so nice to her and took care of her very well. It made the girl's view on the world changed slightly better. She learned that she could trust people.

But good things doesn't last long for the unfortunate girl.

After a year,she was age 8 at that time.
She came back from school one day and what she found in her home was shocking and terrified the poor girl.
The dead bodies of her family were inside with police surrounding the house. It turns out some thiefs broke into the house to steal their money and murdered them without mercy.
This led the girl thinking how cruel of the thiefs and how selfish for them to kill only for money.

Y/n felt her leg turned jelly as she couldn't stand up anymore and fell onto her knees at the scene letting out tears and sobs. Gaining the attention of the polices,the polices asked if the girl knew the family,they felt pity and sorrow for the girl as soon she opens up that that was her family.
But they only comfort her with words and decided to take her to the orphanage.
But before they could do that,an RDA employee asked to take in the girl.

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