Chapter four

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The birds chirped loudly up on the fig tree. The tree was huge, lacked its fruits and old. It was etched in the garden where many flowers of different species grew. If anything reminded the Creek Pack of their old Alpha, it was the tree. The tree that held ancient secrets and tombs. Not tombs of the dead, but of secrets. Secrets that would destroy Alpha Rolus' Pack if ever they got out. Mistakes of past Alphas. Mistakes of his parents and grandparents and so forth.

Rolus looked up at the tree, chin in hand and eyes glued to the tip of the longest branch.

He felt alive, strong and ready to take on the world and any enemy that conjured evil and plotted against him. He felt ready for anything and anyone. He hasn't felt like this in a long time. Ever since he got sick.

He walked around in the garden, taking in deep breaths that sucked in the fresh scent of the flowers. He couldn't believe it either. He couldn't believe that he was back to his normal self again; rejuvenated and strong.

Ever since his illness, he hadn't took a tour of his Pack. Never saw the progress they made and never saw the pups that are the future of Creek Pack.

It was as if he was new. He felt like a brand new wolf. Almost as if he was reborn.

Damn that Beta. The moon goddess better bless Sierra. He couldn't believe that it was her that did all of this. That erased any need for a mate, that severed the mate bond and might bring back his wolf.

Rolus could not believe his eyes, his legs and his health. He couldn't believe that he was healthy again. That the illness was gone.

"On cloud 9 I see, Alpha Rolus?" Sierra cheered, her arms folded over her chest with the biggest smile on her face.

Alpha Rolus turned around with the biggest smile on his face. He shrugged, "As you can see, my wonderful Beta."

Both of them were thrilled. Truth be told; there's nothing that Sierra wouldn't do for Rolus.


As much as she's got her mate, Theo, she's still keeping secrets from him. There's a lot that he doesn't know about his precious mate that only Rolus knows some of them. All the dirty work, the underground work and the public work. She's been able to organise anything.

Seeing her Alpha healthy again made her happy, ecstatic to be more precise. But it was more than that. She was elated.

"Should I organise a meeting with the Pack members so that we can tell them about your well-being?" Sierra asked, walking closer towards Rolus.

Rolus sat down on the bench, looking up at the windows to see if anyone was spying.

He shook his head, contemplation the ruler of his mind. "No. No one must know. This is still work in progress."

"Won't they suspect that you're getting better?"

"They will, but they know that I sometimes get better. I don't want them to know until my wolf is awakened. I can't give my Pack false hope."

Sierra sat down next to Rolus on the bench, with her head leaned against the headrest.

"I owe you my life, Sierra. I don't know what I would've been without you. I don't know what I would've become..."

It was almost as if a bomb hit her heart as the tears that were bottled for many years ran down her cheeks. One would've expected them to fill a river, but they just dried up. She wiped them with her hand.

"It's my job as your Beta to ensure your safety. I couldn't stand and watch as Alpha Luke made a mockery of you. He disrespected you, formed an allegiance etched from your sickness. He disrespected you in front of your council, your entire Pack. I couldn't watch him corrode your name. The next time he sets his foot in your Pack, he will know what the Creek Pack is made of. We are not weaklings. The Dangerous Valley Pack contaminated our Pack with their poison. Th-"

"-Let's not start a war, Sierra. I want peace, and not the mention of those two. Can we forget about those two and focus on the Pack?"

That shut Sierra up, deeming it unfair that Rolus would want to forget about what Alpha Luke did. The man had been tormenting them for years. He threatened to take over Creek Pack. Surely Rolus hadn't forgotten that.

Sierra never commented. She had her suspicions. "Noted, Alpha Rolus. I bet you're going to watch Alpha Luke take over the Pack, I suppose."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Sierra stood up. "Nothing..." she drawled as she sauntered away with a whistle.

His smile dropped the moment Sierra disappeared into the house. Lying to her was never his plan. Lying to his Pack was never planned. It just spontaneously happened. But things don't just spontaneously happen.

With Luke on the loose like a crazed maniac, Rolus was sure that his Pack would find out what he'd done to his mate. How he rejected him over and over again. He couldn't risk the truth ever getting out. He couldn't risk Luke ever becoming a loose canon.

Now that he was back to his healthy self, he needed to take the fort. He needed to lead his Pack. Be the leader he never was to his Pack.

As for Luke, his day was coming. Luke should've known that Rolus had no sympathy, no empathy and no space for love in his heart; especially for him. Maybe because Rolus never experienced love from his mate, but he had no space for love. And just like Luke, Rolus' Pack means everything to him.

Neither Rolus or Sierra knew when the effects of the serum would wear off, but they both prayed that it was for forever.

There are a million reasons why Luke and Rolus cannot be together. Reasons why Rolus rejected Luke. Luke being the infamous Clonmel twin being the 1% of the reason. Rolus obviously knew that Luke being weak wouldn't have deterred him from ever accepting Luke as his mate. If there were no other reasons, Rolus would've accepted Luke as his mate. He knew that being a weaker mate meant nothing because after being mated, their powers would've been inherited.

The secrets just keep piling up. They keep piling up and piling...

But then, guilt. Guilt washed down on him like rain from a never-ending storm. His happiness was cut short when it poured on him- the realisation.

He was selfish. He's always been selfish for keeping Luke in the dark and not telling him everything. He thought he was protecting himself and his Pack when he kept the truth from Luke about them being mates. He thought he was protecting his Pack.

How selfish.

He never considered the other party. He watched as Luke searched the world for his mate, watched as countless suitors lied to Luke whereas Luke believed every single one of them. He knew that Luke got the truth messed up about Lucia's mate, but still led him on to believe his truth. He watched Luke succumb to hate, sucked by vengeance into the pit of anger.

Rolus caused all of that. He was the master behind it all. And now that Luke knows the truth about them being mates, Rolus added salt to the wound by rejecting him again. And if given the chance, he would still reject him.

Not that he didn't have a heart to spare for Luke. Not that he was heartless and selfish. Rolus knew what he was getting himself into the moment he rejected Luke again. Driving Luke away from him seemed like the best thing to do. Rolus didn't want to include the other Pack as it would be very selfish of him.

Things are just better left unsaid. Hatchets are just better left buried. Secrets are just better left unspoken and burdened to only one person because then repercussions would only fall on one person and leave no casualties.

Rolus' shoulders were heavy. Heavy with burden because nobody knew how hard he was living. Nobody knew his side of the story. For him, it was better to be blamed and not tell his side of the story than face the repercussions that would follow.

It was better for his Pack to hate him than to reveal the things he had buried. What would Sierra do if she knew? What would Luke do if he knew? What would Luke's parents do if they knew, and what would anyone do if they knew?

"Alpha Rolus?"

Rolus turned his head to look at the young girl that stood on the doorway. She was gleaming with happiness and the smile that protruded from her face was contagious, which left Rolus no choice but to bring it right back.

"I'll be right there, Giyana." He winked, standing up from the bench to dust imaginary specs of dust from his pants.

Secret of An Alpha: Repercussions Where stories live. Discover now