Chapter twenty-eight

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The mating ceremony was tomorrow. To say that his Pack was buzzing with excitement was an understatement. They were too excited, that as much as it was heartwarming, it was also overwhelming. Rolus' days were riddled with anxiety of any impending doom that would follow. It was nerve-wrecking going through with the ceremony. He just hoped that his mate would be able to survive this. That Luke won't feel any pain. He prayed to the Moon Goddess for just that- for his mate to have a painless rejection. It would be unfair to feel the pain whilst he was not in the wrong.

The day before, Rolus rounded up his Council and explained what was going on. He couldn't go into the mating ceremony without telling his Council the secret that plagued him.

They were upset, but understood. He hoped they understood. Charlotte wanted to throw a fit, but Sierra shut her up.

Of course, he didn't tell them the reason how the punishment came about in the first place. That was a secret best left untouched.

Everytime he was in close proximity with Tamera, he felt like insects were crawling on his skin. It was because he knew that he had a mate that was just a Pack away.

Tamera didn't feel the same because she had not met her mate's prior to this. Her mate bond had not awakened.

They shared a room. Tamera had insisted on sleeping on the couch, but Rolus was not having that. He suggested sleeping on the same bed so as to get accustomed to each other because it was going to be a long life.

Tamera was exhausted from all the planning. She slept most of the morning because everything was ready. She was also resting to have energy in the night. They were going on a run tonight, led by her.

Rolus got off the bed, making sure to adjust the covers on Tamera. He didn't open the curtains, and went straight to prepare for the day.

When he was done showering, he made himself coffee and went downstairs with it. He ran into Sierra, who also oozed exhaustion. Together they went into the kitchen. There was no one around. Everyone was buzzing with excitement for tonight.

"How is Tamera?" she asked, sipping on her coffee, eyes lazy.


She nodded, eyes on Rolus.

"What?" he questioned, sitting down.

She shrugged, placing her cup on the counter. "How is Alpha Luke?"

Rolus stiffened, looking away. He hadn't been to Luke's since the last time he went there, which was about three days ago. He felt the itchiness his wolf felt, but tried to ignore that. He didn't need to see Luke, especially with him trying to convince him to drop the ceremony and think of something else.

So, Rolus didn't answer Sierra.

In turn, Sierra sighed. "Are you even on the same side?"

"Yes, we are. Luke understands."

Sierra raised a brow. "Does he?"

Rolus shook his head, for Sierra to drop the subject. Sierra nodded.

"Well, I'll see you. I need to up our security for tonight. I'm going to meet up with Charlotte."

Rolus nodded. Sierra left. He was glad that him and Sierra were now alright. Not hundred percent, but they were patching things up. Things were looking up.

He smiled, glad that at least their relationship was being fixed. Sierra was no longer unbearable.

When done, he took their cups and put them in the sink. He didn't dare do them because Maria would have his head.

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