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            You look down at your phone for the 16th time since he was supposed to get here.  Seven minutes and 57 seconds late, and counting.  That little numbskull probably got distracted by the grass or something.  You take another sip of this horrid lukewarm coffee.   Your frown turned to a scowl.  They can't make a half-way decent cup of joe here.  But to your distaste you continue drinking while checking your surroundings.  3 booths line the east wall, you're situated in the middle one with no one in front of you but the feeling, sense of someone behind you, but to look will show weakness so you are left to ponder.  On the other side of the Starbucks there are five 2 chair tables with a variety of college students working and on dates.  Then there is the girl behind the counter running like a headless chicken filling out the endless line of customers.  That little numbskull is not here, but it's seems like there are no enemies in their green bowties around. 

             You hear the door open again with it's now familiar 'ring!' and you take a half-hearted glance up.  You see what appears to be a 12 year old boy skip though the door, judging by the small stature and ridiculous childish outfit with that hat that makes you want to throw up.  But you know that is not an annoying pre-teen, but an even more annoying 19 year old who is the 2nd in command of one of the most dangerous gangs of the city.  He only got that position because he is stupid to try and kill off the boss.  But now he is skipping to the counter swinging in his hand a... a WHAT?! A STUFFED BUNNY?! Ok you're so done with him now, you're so angry you could stab someone. But, against your better judgment you calm down and took in what's going on.  He has already ordered his coffee and is staring at you with that ever consisted grin of his.  You stare back, stoned faced, and tipped your hat, code for 'meeting?'.  But instead of responding in kind he skips over to the booth and plops down across from you.  And sat the bunny next to him.

"Hey Lizzy!  How are you doing? Do you like my new bunny? See I found hi-" I forgot his high pitched chatter, God how you hate his talking, it makes your blood boil just listening to it.  But business comes first, that's why you're third in command. 

            "Jim cut the chatter.  I am pissed off for 4 reasons.  One you chose Starbucks to meet at of all places.  Two you are 11 minutes and 22 seconds late.  Three you have a bunny for God knows what reason, and last but certainly not least you called me Lizzy.  It's BETH or ELIZABETH." If looks could kill he'll be six feet under right now.  "But," you sigh "I have no time to waste.  So what did the Boss want?"

            "Oh right, business" he looks down with a little smile on his face,  likes he has a secret; he is so easy to read to pretty much everyone. "Well... the boss has scheduled an attack on the enemies, and wants you on the front line," You're lips tug up at the thought of a good fight. "Yea he thought you'll enjoy it.  But... well check your phone before I tell you the rest."  You're about to ask what is he talking about when you feel your phone buzz in your hand.  You adjust your hat and unlock the phone.  There is one message from an unknown number: 'Sorry'.  You hear a gun safety go off behind you.  Your hand goes immediately go to your knife when He spoke up.

            "You are a really good fighter Lizzy," His voice has dropped an octave and a sinister smile overcame is normally happy-go-lucky face "a really good leader and general.  But you're temperamental and stubborn.  That's dangerous to our cause.  So you have to be deleted, that simple."  For the first time in a long time you held a look of utter confusion on your face.  Till you see his bowtie.  And, for the last time, you hear a gun go off behind you.  Then nothing.

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