
9 0 0

 The car is absolutely silent, save the low hum of the motor and the soft breathing of my driver. The highway passed by in a blur, the barren landscape fading away in the dim light of the setting sun. The only sight worthy of the effort of making out through the tinted glass was the approaching cityscape, silhouetted by the light of the sun.

This sight is spectacular. Showing off the remaining glory that this dying city still possesses. It always reminds me of my purpose, to take this fragile city that so many had abused and make it fulfill it's potential. Unfortunately the simplest way to that, is to cleanse the city is to let it die.

After we highway for the city streets the city's suffering became clear; the abandon houses, the bankrupt stores, the drug dealers on almost every corner. It made me sick, despite the fact that the majority of the 'side-effects' was my doing. But I can deal with that. These side-effects are greatly outweighed by the long term gain. For the plan will work. It MUST work. I refuse to let it fail.

"Ma'am?" My driver says, snapping me for my internal monologue, "Miss. Charr?"

"Yes Felix?"

"We appear to have someone following us. They were on our trail for the past 5 turns."

"Oh dear..." I took a look out the rear mirror and spot a white van following close behind. If that didn't ring enough bells, then the fact that the driver is wearing a black ski mask is making me reach for my briefcase. "Protocol Alpha"

"Are you sure ma'am? You're wearing a brand new suit"

""DID I STUTTER?!" I yell, and then immediately grab the car door because Felix made the car swerve.

"N-no ma'am." Felix force out, trying to regain control of the wheel.

"Then begin Protocol Alpha."

"Y-yes ma'am"

Thank Lord we're in a bad part of the city, I thought. No one will question the sound of a gunshot. I pull out my Glock 45 from my briefcase and click off the safety. Can't be too careful.

The car turns into an alleyway, with the van following close behind. Felix turned off the engine and turns to face me. "Please be careful ma'am, bloodstains are not easy to remove."

I offer him a small smile, "no promises dear."

The ski-masked stranger step out of the van. Their short and stocky, I want to say it's a man, but I can't be one to judge. Their hands are bare, no signs of any weapons. They're alone.

I scan the nearby rooftops for any unwanted attackers, but there was nothing. No gun barrels or cloths. Nothing to indicate anyone is up there, but I can never be sure.

I open the car door and step outside, turning to face the ski-mask stranger. My gun arm lowered.

"Well didn't we hit jackpot!" A deep voice says. Definitely male. ""We weren't expecting to meet you on our first try, but we must be just lucky. It is sure nice to meet you Miss. Ashland Charr."

"Oh if only I can say the same."

"Ouch" He says, placing a hand over his heart. "That hurt darling."

"I am not in this business to play nice."

He laughs and takes a few steps forward, "I guess not. Why are you in this business then? It's hard to believe a young lady like yourself would be so... twisted inside."

"Oh little old me?" I smirk, taking a few steps myself. "I guess I just don't care about hurting other people's feeling. Does that answer your question?"

"No." He's volume was rising, "Because you hurt more than just feelings. You do more than just hurt. You are on a path to destroy!"

"Oh well, minor details."

"Minor details?!" Oh that made him mad, "you truly are insane!"

"And what if I am? Does that truly change anything? All that matters is the end result. And if you, or any others want to stop me," I raise my gun, pointing it at his face. "I'm afraid it won't be that simple darling."   


OK I'm really sorry I've haven't been updating much save these little draft (and this includes the Amazing Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes over at Foxes-in-the-Night)! I've been really busy due to school and these little drafts were imaginative writing works for my English class.  SO HOPEFULLY I might be able to update something before I start my summer classes but that's being really hopeful.  But when it comes to the other 2 stories I really want to rewrite them and try to make the characters a lot better because I really feel like I haven't done them justice.  So just bare with me, and until then check out the other half of Foxes-in-the-Night, Boxes-of-Foxes works cause she does a whole lot more than me.


<3 Willa 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2016 ⏰

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