And the Story Starts...

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The date: late December, judging by the absolutely freezing temperature. But the exact date is unknown

The location: A street in the less wanted part of the city. Abandon homes line one side of the street and the other, where you're standing, is the overgrown excuse of a park. You're standing at a 3-way intersection and there is a single lamp next to you, the only one working in a single mile radius. It lights the corner in a pale yellow glow. No one in their right minds would be here at this hour, which you aren't. In your right mind, you mean. Yet few are, and those that tell you they are, they are most likely lying.

God, here you go... babbling on and on. The only reason you are doing this is because that little shit head you're suppose to met here is over an hour late. He must have gotten distracted. Again.

Your frown turns into a scowl. Grreeaatt! Your luck. It's raining. Why the hell are you here again, standing here for that little shit for over an hour, in the freezing cold and now in the rain. Oh yeah because the boss told you to. God damn.

Hey look. Skipping down the street is a small figure, can't make out any details in the dark but you're almost certain it's your sorry excuse for a partner. Why the hell he is with you for this job, you got no clue. But what the boss says you do. You don't even want to think about what will happen if you say no. God, you get goose-bumps from just thinking about it.

Your scowl deepens as he steps into the circle of light from the lamp. Your 'Partner in Crime', as the boss states it, is dress like a little boy from a 90's sit-com, with a ridiculous hat and all. And a flower? He is just carrying around a god damn flower with roots and all like it's fucking nothing?! You'll never understand this guy, he belongs in a mental hospital in your view.

"Goooddd eeevvening!!! It's a really nice night don't you think?? The wind is really nice! Some people don't like a cold strong wind like this, but it doesn't bother me. Wwweeellll sometimes it bothers me but most of the time it don't. It's a nice neighborhood out here, right next to the park, but it could use a little bit of fixing up, maybe some more Mr. Flowers? Isn't that right Mr. Flower! You could help to pretty this pla-" O MY FUCKING GOD!!! You can't take this. It hasn't even been 5 seconds and you are ready to stab him. You pop open you brief case. Where is it? Where the hell IS I- oh here it is. You rip off a piece of duck tape and slap it on your dimwit partner.

Ahh silence. Sweet sweet silence.

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